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A HISTORY OF HEREFORDSHIRE There are 3 hides geldable. On the demesne are 2 ploughs and (there are) 3 bordars with i plough, and a Frenchman with I plough and 2 bordars. (There are) 8 serfs there. T.R.E. it was worth 30J. Now 40;. The same Roger holds I manor °^ of i^ hides geldable. Elwin holds (it) of him. His father Edwi hela (it). There he has i plough and 2 villeins with half a plough. (There are) 3 serfs there. It is, and was, worth los. In the valley (of) Stradelei [the Dore val- ley] the same Roger holds Bachetune [Bacton] as 5 hides, and Wadetune [ ] as 1 hide. These 2 manors Gilbert holds of Roger. Edwi and Alward held these 6 hides, and they were waste. On the demesne is I plough, and (there is) a serf, and 3 Welshmen render 3 sestiers of honey. It is worth 9$. In the same valley the same Roger holds Elnodestune [ ? Elston Bridge] ^^ as 3 hides, and William holds (it) of Roger, and has 2 ploughs in demesne, and 6 bordars. It is worth I OS. There the same Roger holds Edwardestune [ ] and Walter of him, as I hide. It was waste. Now it is worth 8s. In Dunre Hundred The same Roger holds Boniniope [Bulling- ham].™ Elnod held (it) of John the sheriff. There are 2 hides geldable. On the demesne is I plough, and (there are) 4 villeins, and 4 bordars with 2j ploughs. (There are) 5 serfs there, and one third part of 2 mills which is worth 14.S. and Ed. The wood is in the King's forest. T.R.E. it was worth 50^. Now as much. The same Roger holds Cobewelle [Cobhall]. Alward held (it) and could betake himself whither he would. There is I hide geldable. Girold holds of Roger. On the demesne he has 2 ploughs, and (there are) 4 bordars with I hide {sic), and 9 serfs and bondwomen together. T.R.E. it was worth 50J. Now as much. The same Roger holds Malfelle [Maw- field],^ and Ingelran of him. Edwi Cilt held (it). There are 2 hides geldable. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) 5 bordars, a smith, and 2 serfs and a bondwoman. Of ^ This manor may have been in the Whyle (near Pudleston), where one hide was held 'of the Honour of Weobley' in 1243 (J.H.R.). ^^ Marked as ' Elstones Bridge ' in Saxton's map, at south end of Golden valley. ™ Formerly ' BoUynghope.' " In AUensmore. this land Lewin holds I virgate of the same Roger. T.R.E. it was worth 20s. Now 4.6s. The same Roger holds Webetone [Web- ton],'^ and Berner of him. iElward held (it). There (is) half a hide. There is I plough there. It is, and was, worth i $s. The same Roger holds Webetone [Webton], and Girald and Berner of him. Edwi held (it). There (are) 2^ hides. There are 7 bordars there with 3 ploughs. It was waste. Now it is worth 10^. In Cutestornes Hundred The same Roger holds Stratone [Stretton Sugwas], and Robert of him. Edwi Cilt held (it). There are 2^ hides geldable. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, and I villein and 9 bordars, and 4 oxmen and 2 radknights. Among them all they have 3 ploughs. T.R.E. it was worth 4.0s. Now 50J. (There is) a mill there worth 32^^. The same Roger holds Lude [Lyde], and Ralf of him. Turchil held it of Earl Harold. There (are) 2 hides geldable. On the demesne is I plough, and there can be another. There (are) 3 bordars and I freeman with 2^ ploughs. T.R.E. it was worth 20^. Now 25^. The same Roger holds Lude [Lyde], and Ralf of him. Bruning held (it). There (is) I hide. On the demesne are 2 ploughs. It was worth 4.0s. Now 605. In Radelau Hundred The same Roger holds Westune [Weston Beggard]. Gunuer held (it) and could betake himself whither he would. There are 6 hides geldable. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) 9 villeins and a priest, and 2 bordars, with 9 ploughs. There (are) 6 serfs, and a mill worth lOJ., and meadow for the oxen. T.R.E. it was worth 1005., and now as much. The same Roger holds Archel [Yarkhill]. Archil a thane of Earl Harold held (it). There are 2 hides geldable. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) 7 villeins and 4 bordars, with 7 ploughs. There (are) 7 serfs, and a mill worth lood. T.R.E. it was worth 50i. Now as much. The same Roger holds Nerefrum [( ? Castle) Frome]. Tosti held (it) of Queen Edith. There are 4 hides geldable. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) 7 villeins, and 4 bordars and a reeve with 8 ploughs. There (are) lO serfs, and a mill worth Js. and 6d. and 5 sticks of eels. T.R.E. it was worth 6o.f. Now as much. " In Madley. Held with Weston in 1 3 16. 330