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A HISTORY OF HEREFORDSHIRE bordars with 3 ploughs. There (are) 4 serfs and a mill worth 2s. There (are) a priest and a smith. It is worth loos. In Wimstrui Hundred The same Drew holds Hanlie [ ]. Leuing and Godwin and Elward held (it) as 3 manors, and could betake themselves whither they would. There (are) i hide and i^ virgates geldable. On the demesne is I plough, and (there are) 4 bordars with 2 ploughs, and there could be a third plough. There is I serf, and a burgess rendering ^.d. {de 4 denariis). It was worth 13^. Now 12s. Adelelm holds (it). In Radelau Hundred The same Drew holds Matme [Mathon]. Alward, a thane of Earl Odo, held it, and could withdraw himself without the lord's leave. There (is) half a hide geldable. Adelelm holds (it) and has there I plough. It was worth 5^. and after- wards 4J. Now 10s. XXIV. THE LAND OF OSBERN SON OF RICHARD In Hezetre Hundred Osbern son of Richard holds Mildetune [Mil- ton]. He himself held (it) T.R.E. There (are) 2 hides geldable. On the demesne is I plough, and (there are) 6 villeins with 3 ploughs. There (are) 3 serfs and I bordar. The woods (are) 4 furlongs (taking) length and breadth together {inter). It was waste. Now it is worth 205. The same Osbern holds Boitune [ ? Byton]. He himself held (it) T.R.E. There (are) 2 hides. On the demesne is half a plough, and (there are) 4 villeins and 2 bordars with 2 ploughs, and there could be 2 more. There is I (wood containing) brushwood {brace). It was worth I2J. Now 20s. The same Osbern holds and held Bradelege [ ? Broadheath] as I hide, and Titelege [Tit- ley] as 3 hides, and Bruntune [(Little) Bramp- ton] as I hide, and Chenille [Knill] as 2 hides, and Hercope [ ] as half a hide, and Hertune [ ? Harpton] as 3 hides, and Hech [ ] as I hide, and Clatretune [ ] as 2 hides, and Querentune [ ] as i hide, and Discote [Discoed] as 3 hides, and Cascope [Cascob] as half a hide. On these 1 1 manors is land for 36 ploughs, but it was, and is, waste. It never paid geld. It lies on the marches of Wales. The same Osbern holds Lege [Ley], and held (it). There is half a hide, and there could See note 76 above. be I plough. There is only I villein (there). It is worth 5j. On these waste lands there have grown up woods in which Osbern hunts, and thence he has whatever he can take. (There is) nothing else. In Elsedune Hundred The same Osbern holds Titellege [Titley]. Earl Harold held (it). There are 3 hides geld- able. There is land for 6 ploughs. It was, and is, waste. However, there is there I haye {haia) in a little wood. In Stratford Hundred In Neutone [Newton] '"" is half a hide which pays geld, and i virgate which does not pay geld. Seric held (it) as 2 manors, and could betake himself where he would. Herbert had (it) of Richard Scrupe. On the demesne are 3 oxen and (there are) 3 villeins and i bordar with I plough. It was worth 40J. Now 24^. One plough could be there. In Stepleset Hundred The same Osbern holds Stantune [Staunton on Wye], and Drew (holds it) of him. Saissil held (it), and could betake himself whither he would. There (are) 4 hides geldable. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) 6 villeins and 4 bordars with 4 ploughs. There (are) 4 serfs. It was waste. Now it is worth 60s. In Tornelaus Hundred The same Osbern holds Bodeham [Bodenham] and held (it). There (are) i|- hides geldable. On the demesne are 3 ploughs, and (there are) 6 villeins and a smith and 2 bordars and a priest and 1 radman, with 8 ploughs among them all. T.R.E. it was worth 605. Now 48^. In Ulfei Hundred The same Osbern holds Huilech [The Whyle i°i] and held (it). There is I hide geld- able. On the demesne are i|- ploughs, and (there are) 3 bordars and 2 serfs. It was worth 12s. Now 8s. In Cutestornes Hundred The same Osbern holds Lude [Lyde], and Roger Laci of him. Saisi held (it). There (are) 2 hides geldable. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) I villein and a reeve and a smith with two ploughs. It was worth 25J. Now 30^. ""> Near Bredwardine. •" Near Pudleston. This I hide in ' Wyle ' was held as a quarter of a fee in 1243 of the Honour of Richard's Castle (J.H.R.). 340