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A HISTORY OF HERTFORDSHIRE Cryptophagus pubescens, Sturm. Tring, rare, by sweeping ; may often be bred from old nests of Vespa vulgaris bicolor, Sturm. Tring, rare, in hay- stack refuse Micrambe vini, Panz. Tring Caenoscelis pallida, Woll. Little Tring, one taken by evening sweeping Atomaria barani, Bris. Wihtone, rare, under dead reeds by the reservoir nigriventris, Steph. Tring umbrina, Er. Aldbury, in dead leaves in a wood linearis, Steph. Tring elongatula, Er. (?) Wihtone fuscipes, Gyll. fuscata, SchSn. pusilla, Payk. atricapilla, Steph. berolinensis, Kr. Aldbury, in dead leaves basalis, Er. Wihtone, very rare, by the reservoir mesomelas, Herbst. Wihtone, with the preceding ; a form occurs here, with the elytrae entirely dark gutta, Steph. Wihtone, scarce, with the preceding apicalis, Er. ) _. . , T analis, Er. [ Tr '" g ' New ruficornis, Marsh. ) * Ephistemus gyrinoides, Marsh. Tring Tring MYCETOPHAGIDJE Typhaea fumata, L. Tring Triphyllus suturalis, F. Tring Park and Wihtone punctatus, F. Wigginton, rare, in Round Hill Wood Litargus bifasciatus, F. Tring, frequently found under bark of beech Mycetophagus quadripustulatus, L. Tring piceus, F. Aldbury, rare atomarius, F. Tring Park quadriguttatus, Mull. Felden (Piffard) multipunctatus, Hellw. Tring BYTURID^E Byturus sambuci, Scop, "I _- . tomentosus, F. j DERMESTID^: Dermestes murinus, L. Tring, rare, once found on a dead bird lardarius, L. r- Attagenus pellio, L. J ' Tiresias serra, F. Wihtone, bred from larvae found under elm bark, in April Anthrenus musaeorum, L. Baldock (Wood) Anthrenus claviger, Er. Tring, rather common on flowers of Umbelliferas Trinodes hirtus, F. Long Marstone (Shipp) BYRRHID^E Syncalypta spinosa, Rossi. Aldbury, rare, in chalky places Byrrhus pilula, L. . . fasciatus, F. J * Cytilus varius, F. Wihtone, in moss by the reservoir Simplocaria semistriata, F. Tring Aspidiphorus orbiculatus, Gyll. Tring, ' rare, taken by sweeping PARNID.E Elmis aeneus, Mdll. Wihtone, in the streams which feed the reservoir volkmari, Panz. Near Hatfield (Ste- phens) subviolaceus, Mull. Wihtone, rare, in a stream Limnius tuberculatus, Mtill. Little Tring, in the canal Parnus prolifericornis, F. Wihtone, at the reservoir auriculatus, Panz. Wihtone, with the preceding algiricus, Lucas. Ashridge ; Berkham- sted Common (Piffard) HETEROCERID^E Heterocerus laavigatus, Panz. Little Tring and Wihtone, in muddy spots by the reservoir LUCANID^E Lucanus cervus, L. Little Tring and Put- tenham, one example from each local- ity ; St. Albam (A. E. Gibbs) ; I should say that the stag-beetle is decidedly rare in the county Sinodendron cylindricum, L. Wihtone, rare, dead specimens only in a rotten ash tree SCARAB.EID/E COPRINA Onthophagus ovatus, L. (Stephens) Aphodius erraticus, L. Tring ; Hertford Aphodius erraticus, L. subterraneus, L. > Tring fossor, L. j haemorrhoidalis, L. Wihtone, not com- mon ; Hertford (Stephens) foetens, F. Tring, scarce, on the hills fimetarius, L. Tring scybalarius, F. Hastoe, rare 1 00