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INSECTS ANOBIINA (continued) Ptilinus pectinicornis, Aldbury Ochina hederae, Mull. Xyletinus ater, Panz. Dorcatoma chrysome- lina, Sturm. flavicornis, F. L. Miswell and Boxmoor (Piffard) Hertford (Stephens) ICassiobury Park, Watford (Lew- cock) Lyctus canaliculatus, F. Aldbury Common, in oak fence CISSID.E Cis boleti, Scop. Tring, very common micans, F. Wihtone, very rare, in fungus on ash tree hispidus, Payk. Tring bidentatus, Ol. Aldbury, scarce, under bark of beech alni, Gyll. Tring and Aldbury, fre- quently found under beech bark nitidus, Herbst. Tring pygmaeus, Marsh. Tring, scarce festivus, Panz. Aldbury, once found in numbers under bark of a recently fallen beech tree vestitus, Mell. Felden (Piffard) Ennearthron affine, Gyll. Hastoe, rare Octotemnus glabriculus, Gyll. Tring CERAMBYCID^E PRIONINA Prionus coriarius, L. Hertford and Brox- bourne (Stephens) CERAMBYCINA Aromia moschata, L. Wihtone, scarce, in old willows by the reservoir Hylotrupes bajulus, L. Hertford (Stephens) Callidium violaceum, L. Tring, very abundant in summerhouse built of fir wood ; New Barnet (Newbery) Callidium variabile, L. ] alni, L. Hertford (Stephens) Clytus arcuatus, L. j arietis, L. Hastoe, not common Gracilia minuta, F. Tring, found crawl- ing on a wall in the town Obrium cantharinum, L. Broxbourne (Stephens) Molorchus minor, L. Hertford (Stephens) Rhagium inquisitor, F. Tring, rare Toxotus meridianus, Panz. Tring, not uncommon Pachyta collaris, L. ).,, /c , . Leptura livida, F. J Hert f rd (Stephens) Strangalia armata, Herbst. Brown's Lane, Hastoe, not common melanura, L. Aldbury, rare Grammoptera ruficornis, F. Tring LAMIINA Leiopus nebulosus, L. Bovingdon, one specimen only Pogonochaerus bidentatus, Thorns. Miswell dentatus, Fourc. Miswell; have taken this and the preceding species spar- ingly in old hawthorn hedge Tetrops prasusta, L. Puttenbam, rare, in hawthorn blossom Phytoecia cylindrica, L. Hertford (Fowler) BRUCHID.E Bruchus cisti, F. Aldbury, usually com- mon on Helianthemum vulgare canus, Germ. Miswell, rare, two examples on Onobrychis saliva rufimanus, Boh. Tring, occasionally taken by sweeping loti, Payk. Hertford (Stephens) villosus, F. Wigginton, rare CHRYSOMELID^E EUPODA Donacia dentata, Hoppe. Hertford (Ste- phens) versicolorea, Brahm. Wigginton, found in several ponds on species of Pota- mogeton ; somewhat later in appear- ing than most members of the genus (July and August) spargani, Ahr. Miswell, on Spar- ganium ramosum, growing by side of canal ; Watford (Lewcock) ; Boxmoor (Pifiard) limbata, Panz. Miswell, scarce simplex, F. Wihtone, Little Tring, etc. vulgaris, Zsch. Miswell, on Typha latifolia semicuprea, Panz. Tring, common on Carices, by side of canal at Gamnel ; Hertford (Stephens) sericea, L. Tring ; Watford (Lewcock) affinis, Kunze. Wihtone, plentiful on Carices Zeugophora subspinosa, F. Bricket Wood (Piffkrd) Lema cyanella, L. Tring, frequently found on Cirsium arvense lichenis, Voet. Wilstone, rather com- mon about the reservoir melanopa, L. Tring, by no means common Crioceris asparagi, L. Tring, common, in several gardens in the town on As- paragus officinalis CAMPTOSOMATA Clythra quadripunctata, L. Hertford (Ste- phens) Cryptocephalus aureolus, Suffr. Aldbury, common some years in the flowers of Hieracium pilosella I or