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INSECTS CYCLICA (continued) Longitarsus jacobaeae, Wat. ) - . ochroleucus, Marsh. ) gracilis, Kuts. Tring, common on Senecio Jacobaea laevis, Duft. Tring, common on many composite plants, as Achillea, Chrys- anthemum, etc. pellucidus, Foudr. Tring Haltica lythri, Aub6. Wihtone, common at one spot by the reservoir on Epi- lobium hirsutum ; Baldock (Wood) ericeti, All. Aldbury and Wiggington Commons, on Calluna vulgaris ampelophaga, Gu6r. Bovingdon, tare oleracea, L. Wihtone ; what I believe to be this species is common at the reservoir on Epilobium hirsutum pusilla, Duft. Tring and Aldbury, com- mon almost everywhere on the chalk hills Hermaeophaga mercurialis, F. Tring, on Mercurialis perennis at many spots in the district ; Hertford (Stephens) Phyllotreta nodicornis, Marsh. Aldbury, scarce, on Reseda lutea nigripes, F. consobrina, Curt. punctulata, Marsh. >- Tring atra, Payk. cruciferae, Goeze J vittula, Redt. Near Wihtone, in a watercress bed undulata, Kuts. - . nemorum, L. / ochripes, Curt. Bovingdon, on Erysi- mum alliaria exclamationis, Thunb. Wihtone, scarce, at the reservoir Aphthona nonstriata, Goeze. Wihtone, rather scarce, on Iris, at the reservoir venustula, Kuts. Tring, in several of the woods, on Euphorbia amygdaloides atratula, All. Aldbury, on Helianthe- mum vulgare atroccerulea?, Steph. Tring herbigrada, Curt. Tring, very plentiful on the chalk hills Batophila rubi, Payk. Tring; Baldock (Wood) CYCLICA (continued) Batophila aerata, Marsh. Wihtone, rare, in a hedge Sphaeroderma testaceum, F. j cardui, Gyll. r Tring Apteropeda orbiculata, Marsh. J Mniophila muscorum, Koch. Near Flaun- den, in a wood Mantura rustica, L. Tring, very scarce matthewsi, Curt. Aldbury, not un- common on Helianthemum vulgare ; Shothanger Common (Piffard) Crepidodera transversa, Marsh. Wihtone, common, by the reservoir - ferruginea, Scop. | runpes, L, ) nitidula, L. Kings Langley (Piffard) helxines, L. Hastoe ; Bricket Wood (Lewcock) chloris, Foudr. Near Hadley Wood (Newbery) aurata, Marsh. Hastoe smaragdina, Foudr. Near Bovingdon Hippuriphila modeeri, L. Wihtone, com- mon at one spot by the reservoir, in moss Epitrix atropae, Foudr. Tring, on Atropa Belladonna ; Felden (Piffard) Chaetocnema hortensis, Fourc. Tring confusa, Boh. Felden (Piffard) Plectroscelis concinna, Marsh. "| Psylliodes napi, Koch. > Tring cuprasa, Koch. J affinis, Payk. Tring ; New Barnet (Newbery) Psylliodes chalcomera, 111. Aldbury, scarce, on Cirsium arvense picina, Marsh. Little Tring, rare CRYPTOSOMATA Cassida vibex, F. Aldbury, rare, on thistles ; Hertford (Stephens) nobilis, L. Tring flaveola, Thunb. Wihtone ; Hertford (Stephens) equestris, F. Wihtone and Little Tring, rather common on Mentha aquatica, at the first of these two localities viridis, F. Tring hemisphaerica, Herbst. Tring, one speci- men taken by Mr. J. W. Shipp HETEROMERA TENEBRIONID^E Blaps mucronata, Latr. Tring similis, Latr. Hertford (Stephens) Heledona agaricola, F. Ashridge (Pif- fard) Scaphidema metallicum, F. Tring ; Shrub Hill Common (Piffard) Tenebrio molitor, L. Tring obscurus, F. Tring, rare Tribolium ferrugineum, F. Hertford (Ste- phens) 105