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INSECTS CARADRINHVE (continued) Wood and Bushey (Cults) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud); Oxhey (H. Row- land-Brown) ; Watford (Spencer, Wigg) ; Tring (Elliman) ; East Bar- net (Gillum) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) Leucania turca, L. Bricket Wood and Hedges Farm, St. Albans (A. E. G.) ; Knebworth (Durrant) lithargyrea, Esp. Bricket Wood (Cot- tarn, A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; Haileybury (Bow- yer) ; Bushey (Cutts) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; Tring (Elliman) ; Oxhey (H. Rowland - Brown) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) conigera, F. St. Albans (A. E. G.) ; Bricket Wood (Cottam, A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Dur- rant) ; Haileybury (Bowyer) ; Hert- ford (Stephens) ; Bushey (Cutts) ; Watford (Spencer, Wigg, Cottam) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; Oxhey (H. Rowland-Brown) ; Hemel Hempstead (B. Piffard) ; Tring (Elliman) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Bishop Stanford (Xaylor) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) At Haileybury this species is found to be abundant at 'light' and 'sugar' ; at Cheshunt it is common, and at Bricket Wood fairly so. On the other hand Mr. Barraud did not take it at Bushey Heath until the summer of 1900, when several came to 'light,' and Mr. Elliman describes it as ' not common ' at Tring comma, L. Bricket Wood (A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Dur- rant) ; Haileybury (Bowyer) ; Bushey (Cutts) ; Watford (Spencer, Wigg, Cottam) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; Oxhey (H. Rowland-Brown) ; Tring (Elliman) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Bishop Stanford (Mellows) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) obsoleta, Hb. Wilstone reservoir (Elli- man) Mr. Elliman says that the larvae are very common in September straminea, Tr. Haileybury (School List) ; Wilstone reservoir and Tring (Elliman) This species was taken once at ' light ' at Haileybury impura, Hb. Bricket Wood, Wheathamp- stead and St. Albans (A. E. G.) ; Sand- ridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; Haileybury (Bowyer) ; Bushey (Cutts) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; Watford (Spencer, Wigg) ; Wilstone reservoir CARADRINID^E (continued) (Elliman) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Bishop Stanford (Mellows) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) Abundant everywhere Leucania pallens, L. St. Albans and Bricket Wood(h.. E. G.); Sandridge (Griffith); Hitchin (Durrant) ; Haileybury (Bow- yer) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Bushey (Cutts) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; Oxhey (H. Rowland-Brown) ; Wat- ford (Spencer, Heaton, Wigg) ; Tring (Elliman) ; Bishop Stanford (Mel- lows) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) A common species Monima incerta, Hufn. (instabilis, Esp.). St. Albans, Wheathampstead (A. E. G.) ; Bricket Wood (Cottam, A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Dur- rant) ; Haileybury (Bowyer) ; Bushey and Oxhey Wood (Cutts) ; Oxhey rail- way bank (H. Rowland-Brown) ; Watford (Spencer, Heaton, Wigg) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; East Bar- net (Gillum) ; Hemel Hempstead (B. Piffard) ; Tring (Elliman) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) gracilis, F. St. Albans (A. E. G.) ; Bricket Wood (A. Lewis, Cottam, A. E. G.); Sandridge (Griffith); Hitchin (Durrant) ; Bushey (Cutts) ; Oxhey Wood (Cutts, H. Rowland- Brown) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; Watford (Spencer, Heaton, Wigg) ; Haileybury (Stockley) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) stabilis, View. St. Albans, Park Street, Wheathampstead and Harpenden (A. E. G.) ; Bricket Wood (A. Lewis, Cottam, A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; Hailey- bury (Bowyer) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Oxhey Wood and Bushey (Cutts) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; Oxhey rail- way bank (H. Rowland-Brown) ; Watford (Spencer, Heaton, Wigg) ; Hemel Hempstead (B. Piffard) ; Tring (Elliman) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) populeti, Tr. Bricket Wood (A. Lewis, A. E. G.) ; St. Albans (A. Lewis) ; Oxhey Wood (Cutts); Watford (Spencer) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Cheshunt Marsh (Boyd) This species occurs sparingly at sallows. Mr. Boyd and Mr. Barraud each record the capture of one speci- men at their stations. In 1895 Mr. Lewis and I took eight specimens at Bricket Wood 119