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INSECTS CARADRINIDJE (continued] yer) ; Hertford (Stephens) ; East Earnet (Gillum) ; Bushey (Cutts) ; Busbey Heath (Barraud) ; Watford (Spencer, Heaton, Wigg) ; Tring (Elliman) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) A very abundant and variable species Hadena fasciuncula, Hw. Bricket Wood&nA. Radlett (A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Grif- fith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; Hailey- bury (Bowyer) ; Hertford (Stephens) ; East Earnet (Gillum) ; Bushey (Cutts) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; Watford (Spencer, Wigg) ; Oxhey Lane (H. Rowland-Brown) ; Tring (Elliman) ; Cheshunt Marsh (Boyd) Common ; see note to H. literosa Metachrostis perla, F. St. Allans (A. Lewis, A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Grif- fith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; Hailey- bury (Bowyer) ; East Barnet (Gil- lum) ; Bushey (Cutts) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; Watford (Spencer, Hea- ton, Wigg) ; Oxhey (H. Rowland- Brown) ; Hemel Hempstead (B. Piffard) ; Tring (Elliman) ; Stevenage (Matthews) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) Common at ' light ' and rest Acronycta leporina, L. Sandridge (Grif- fith) ; Haileybury (School List) ; Watford (Cutts, Spencer) ; Tring (Hon. L. Walter Rothschild) Mr. Spencer has taken a number of larvae of this moth on birch at Watford. At Haileybury it was captured once on the heath and in 1877 the Hon. L. Walter Roth- schild caught it at Tring alni, L. Hoddesdon (F. M. Campbell); Haileybury (Bowyer) ; Oakland;, St. Albans (Pilbrow) ; Nascot Wood (Cutts) ; Tring (A. T. Goodson) ; Tring Park (Hon. L. Walter Roth- schild) ; Churchgate, Cheshunt (Boyd) This interesting and uncommon species is more often taken in the larval form than as a perfect insect The first published records of the occurrence of this species in Hert- fordshire are, it is believed, those of its capture in a fence in Nascot Wood Road, Watford, by Mr. J. E. K. Cutts in 1891 and the discovery of a mature larva by Mr. F. M. Camp- bell, F.L.S., on some fresh-turned mould under a lime tree in his gar- den at Rose Hill, Hoddesdon, on August 2 ist in that year (Transac- tions of the Hertfordshire Natural CARADRINID^: (continued) History Society, vii. 195). The records by Mr. Pilbrow of Colney Heath and Mr. Bowyer of Haileybury are of larvae captured in 1893 Acronycta tridens, Schiff. Hitchin (Durrant); Haileybury (Bowyer) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Tring and Wilstone (Elli- man) ; Cheshunt Street (Boyd) A local species ; the larvae are fairly common at Haileybury psi, L. Common throughout the county megacephala, F. St. Albans and Bricket Wood (A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; Haileybury (Bowyer) ; Hertford (Stephens) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Watford (Spencer, Heaton, Wigg) ; Oxhey (H. Rowland-Brown) ; Tring (Foulkes) ; Wilstone (Elliman) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) Generally distributed but not abundant. Taken at ' sugar,' ' light ' and at rest aceris, L. Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; Haileybury (Bow- yer) ; Bushey (Cutts) ; Watford (Heaton) ; Hemel Hempstead (B. Pif- fard) ; Wilstone reservoir (Elliman) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) A scarce insect ligustri, F. Bricket Wood (A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Watford (Spen- cer) ; Wilstone reservoir (Elliman) ; ' Herts ' (Rev. H. Harpur Crewe) The records generally are of the capture of isolated specimens or of its occurrence in small numbers. The Rev. H. Harpur Crewe (Zoolo- gist, xi. 4,037) reared one specimen from a larva taken on ash in July in Herts rumicis, L. Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Watford (Spencer) ; Ches- hunt (Boyd) A scarce Hertfordshire species PLUSIAD.S: (Hypenides) jEthia tarsipennalis, Tr. Sandridge (Grif- fith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; East Bar- net (Gillum) ; Bushey Heath (Bar- raud) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) Occasionally at ' light,' common round Cheshunt nemoralis, F. (grisealis, Hb.). St. Albans, Bricket Wood and Wheathamp- stead (A.E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) 127