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INSECTS SATURNIADJE (continued) (Bowyer) ; Colney Heath (Pilbrow) ; Brown's Lane, Tring (Hon. L. Walter Rothschild) ; Bishop Stortford (Tay- lor, Mellows) ; Stevenage (Matthews) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) ; Royston (A. H. Kingston) Fairly common. The larvae are often abundantly met with LASIOCAMPINA DREPANID.S Cilix glaucata, Sc. (spinula, Schiff.). St. Albans and Harpenden (A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Haileybury (Bowyer) ; East Barnet (Bowden) ; Busbey (Cutts) ; Watford (Spencer, Heaton, Wigg) ; Bushey Heath (Bar- raud) ; Oxhey (H. Rowland-Brown) ; HemelHempstead(B.Pffzrd); Steven- age (Matthews) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) Reported by most of the observers to be common at ' light ' Falcaria lacertinaria, L. (lacertula, SchifF.). Sandridge (Griffith) ; Haileybury (Bowyer) ; Oxhey Wood (Cutts) ; Busbey Heath (Barraud) Occasionally met with falcataria, L. (falcula, SchifF.). Haileybury (Bowyer) ; Hertford (Stephens) ; Watford (Spencer) ; Busbey Heath (Barraud) ; Berkhamsted (Goodson) Not of frequent occurrence Drepana harpagula, Esp. (sicula, Hb.). Hitchin (Durrani) ; Tring (Good- son) binaria, Hufn. (hamula, Esp.). Hod- desdon (A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Grif- fith) ; Haileybury (Bowyer) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Watford (Wigg, Spencer) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; Oxhey (H. Rowland-Brown) ; Tring (Hon. N. Charles Rothschild, Good- son) ; near Bury Green, Bishop Stort- fird (Mellows) ; Waltbam Cross (Boyd) Several of the recorders have only taken this insect once cultraria, F. (unguicula, Hb.). Ashridge (A. E. G.); Watford (Spencer, Heaton) ; Tring (Hon. N. Charles Rothschild, Elliman) Mr. Elliman reports that this species is common in the beech woods LASIOCAMPID.S: Lasiocampa quercus, L. St. Albans and Welwyn (A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Durrani) ; Haileybury (Bowyer) ; Hertford LASIOCAMPID.S (continued) (Stephens) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Tring (Le Quesne) ; Stevenage (Mat- thews) ; Bishop Stanford (Taylor, Mellows) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) ; Royston (A. H. Kingston) Formerly much more abundant round St. Albans than it is now ; common at Haileybury and Steven- age; rather scarce at Bishop Stanford and scarce al Cheshunt. Mr. Taylor reports thai he reared larvae which did not hybernate ihrough ihe severe winter of 1894-95 but fed on ivy, and turned out to be very fine dark specimens Eriogaster populi, L. St. Albans (A. Lewis, A. E. G.) ; Harpenden and Bricket Wood (A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin and Knebworth (Durrant) ; Haileybury (Bowyer) ; Hertford (Slephens) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Watford (Cults, Collam, Spencer) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; Tring (Elliman) ; Stevenage (Mat- thews) ; Bishop Stanford (Mellows) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) Fairly abundanl at ' light,' especi- ally at Watford. At Tring Mr. Elliman has only taken one dead specimen in a spider's web at the slalion. Scarce at Bushey Heath and Cheshunt lanestris, L. Harpenden Common (A. Lewis, A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffilh) ; Haileybury (Bowyer) ; Hertford (Stephens) ; Tring (Elli- man) ; Stevenage (Matthews) ; Bishop Stanford (Taylor, Mellows); Ches- hunt (Boyd) Generally common rubi, L. Hertford (Stephens) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Berkhamsted Com- mon (Hon. L. Walter Rothschild) ; Stevenage (Matlhews) Rare crataegi, L. St. Albans and Bricket Wood (A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; Haileybury (Bowyer) ; Bushey (Cutts) ; Watford (Spencer) ; Tring (Elliman) ; Ches- hunt (Boyd) Not common ; sometimes taken at ' light,' but most of the observers have fed the larvae Clisiocampa castrensis, L. East Barnet (Gillum) ; Bishop Stanford (Mellows) Each single captures neustria, L. Generally mel with abundantly everywhere 147