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INSECTS HESPERIAD^E (continued) Dancer's End, Tr'mg (Hon. L. Walter Rothschild) Mr. Elliman says that this local chalk-loving species may be found in considerable numbers at certain spots in the neighbourhood of Tring PYRALIDINA PHYCITID.S Salebria formosa, Hb. Waltham Cross, scarce (Boyd) semirubella, Sc. (carnella, L.). Hert- ford (Stephens) betulae, Gz. Sandridge (Griffith) Alispa angustella, Hb. Cheshunt Street, scarce (Boyd) Hypochalcia ahenella, Hb. Sandridge (Griffith) ; Cheshunt (Boyd) Phycita spissicella, F. (roborella, Zk.). Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Dur- rant) ; Theobald's Park, scarce (Boyd) Ephistia elutella, Hb. Sandridge (Griffith) ; Cheshunt, common (Boyd) calidella, Gn. (ficella, Dgl.). Cheshunt, common in shops (Boyd) Euzophera pinguis, Hw. Cheshunt, scarce (Boyd) Homceosoma nimbella, Z. (saxicola, Vaughan). Theobald's Grove station, one specimen (Boyd) Myelois cribrella, Hb. Hertford (Stephens) Eurhodope marmorea, Hw. Sandridge (Griffith) advenella, Zk. Sandridge (Griffith) ; Cheshunt Street, scarce (Boyd) suavella, Zk. Cheshunt Marsh, scarce (Boyd) Acrobasis consociella, Hb. Sandridge (Griffith) ; Base Hill (Boyd) zelleri, Rag. (tumidella, Zk.). Sandridge (Griffith) GALLERIAD./E Meliphora grisella, F. (alvearia, F.). St. Albans (A. E. G.) ; Battler's Green, Aldenkam (Miss Selby) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; Wal- tham Cross, scarce (Boyd) Aphomia sociella, L. (colonella, L.). St. Albans and Bamville Wood Farm, Harpenden Common (A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Dur- rant) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; common round Cheshunt (Boyd) Galleria mellonella, L. (cereana, L.). St. Albans (A. E. G.) ; Battler's Green, Aldenham (Miss Selby) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; Bishop Stanford (Taylor) CRAMBIDJE Crambus pascuellus, L. Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; common round Cheshunt (Boyd) pratellus, L. St. Albans, Bricket Wood and Aldbury (A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; Hemel Hempstead (B. Piffard) ; common round Cheshunt (Boyd) culmellus, L. Bricket Wood, Radlett and Elstree (A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; common round Cheshunt (Boyd) hortuellus, Hb. St. Albans, Hoddesdon and Aldbury (A. E. G.) ; Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; com- mon round Cheshunt (Boyd) chrysonuchellus, Sc. Hertford (Ste- phens) ; Aldbury Downs (Hon. N. Charles Rothschild) falsellus, SchifF. Used to occur at Cheshunt (Boyd) pinellus, L. (pinetella, L.). Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Durrant) ; once at Waltham Cross (Boyd) perlellus, Sc. (warringtonellus, Stt.). Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Dur- rant) ; Hertford (Stephens) ; scarce round Cheshunt (Boyd) inquinatellus, SchifF. Sandridge (Griffith) ; Broxbourne Woods, com- mon (Boyd) geniculeus, Hw. Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hertford (Stephens) ; common round Cheshunt (Boyd) tristellus, F. St. Albans, Bricket Wood and Symonds Hyde (A. E. G.) ; Sand- ridge (Griffith) ; East Barnet (Gil- lum) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; common round Cheshunt (Boyd) selasellus, Hb. Common round Ches- hunt (Boyd) Chilo phragmitellus, Hb. Cheshunt Marsh, scarce (Boyd) PYRAUSTIDJE Acentropus niveus, Ol. Common on Ches- hunt Marsh (Boyd) Schosnobius gigantellus, Schiff. Sandridge (Griffith) forficellus, Thnb. Common at Ches- hunt reservoir and Cheshunt Marsh (Boyd) Cataclysta lemnata, L. (lemnalis, SchifF.). Sandridge (Griffith) ; Hitchin (Dur- rant) ; East Barnet (Gillum) ; Hemel Hempstead (B. Piffard) ; Tring (Good- son) ; common on Cheshunt Marsh (Boyd) Nymphula stagnata, Don. Sandridge (Griffith) ; Bushey Heath (Barraud) ; 153