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A HISTORY OF HERTFORDSHIRE 39. Heliophanus flawpes, C. L. Koch. Common. Known also as Sa/ticus tardigra- Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). dus -> Blackwall. Rare ; found on the Roman road. 4 1 - Callus depressus (Walckenaer). 40. Marptusa muscosa (Clerck). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also as Salticus obscurus, Blackwall. PISAURID^: Spiders with eight eyes in three rows of 4, 2, 2 ; the small anterior eyes being sometimes in a straight line, sometimes recurved and sometimes procurved. Those of the other two rows are situated in the form of a rectangle of various proportions and are much larger than the eyes of the anterior row. The tarsal claws are three in number. Pisaura runs freely over the herbage, carrying its egg-sac beneath the sternum ; while Dolomedes is a dweller in marshes and swamps. 42. Pisaura mirabilis (Clerck). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also as Dolomedes, or Ocyale, mirabilis. LYCOSID.E The members of this family are to be found running freely over the ground, and carry- ing the egg-sac attached to the spinners. Many of the larger species make a short burrow in the soil and there keep guard over the egg-sac. Eyes and tarsal claws as in the Pisaurida, with slight differences. 43. Lycosa ruricola (De Geer). 48. Pardosa prat'maga (C. L. Koch). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also as L. campestris, Blackwall. This species is given in Mr. Campbell's 44. Lycosa terricola, Thorell. list M L y casa riparia, C. L. Koch. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 49- Pardosa nigriceps, Thorell. Known also as L. agretica, Blackwall. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 45. Lycasa pulverulenta (Clerck). 5. Pardosa palustris (Linnaeus). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also as L. rapax, Blackwall, and Known also as Lycasa exigua, Blackwall. Tarentula pulverulenta. 51. Pardosa amentata (Clerck). 46. Pardosa lugubris (Walckenaer). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 52. P'trata hygrophilus, Thorell. 47. Pardosa pullata (Clerck). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 53. Pirata piraticus (Clerck). Known also as Lycosa obscura, Blackwall. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). AGELENID^E Spiders with eight eyes, situated in two straight or more or less curved transverse rows. Tarsal claws, three. The species of this family spin a large sheet-like web, and construct a tubular retreat at the back of it, which leads to some crevice amongst the rocks or in the herbage, or in the chinks in the walls of outhouses and barns, wherever the various species may happen to be found. The habits of Argyrontta, the water spider, are however quite different. The posterior pair of spinners is much longer than the others in the more typical genera of this family. 54. Tegenaria atrica, C. L. Koch. Abundant in this county and the London Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). district generally. Known also as T. guyonii n , i . j j L n/r and T. domestica. Only a single specimen is recorded by Mr. Campbell. 56. Tegenaria derhami (Scopoli). 55. Tegenaria parietina (Fourcroy). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). A very common species everywhere, "74