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MAP RENTEBRIGIESCIR EnuneweUe teM9teiUl Estewifhf NOTES TO DOMESDAY MAP Compiled by J. HORACE ROUND, M.A. IN this map those manors in which the king had an interest have a scarlet line under their names ; a blue line denotes these in which the chief ecclesi- astical tenant, namely, St Alban's Abbey, held land ; a green line indicates the manors in which land was held by the greatest lay tenant, Eustace, Count of Boulogne. No attempt has been made to distinguish the Domesday Hundreds, which were somewhat inter- mixed, and of which the boundaries have changed. They are dealt with in the Domesday Introduction. It should be remembered that the forms of place-names often vary in Domesday, and that only one variant can be given in each instance on the map. There are also in this county several Domesday names which it has not been possible to identify, and which consequently do not appear on the map. It should also be observed that the boundaries of this and the adjoining counties are for convenience of reference given as they now stand, and are not always those of 1086. For the same reason the names of the rivers are given in their modern forms ; they are not mentioned in Domesday. The Hertfordshire map is exceptionally instructive in the contrast it exhibits between the north-east of the county, with its numerous small manors, and the few large manors of its south-western portion. The latter consisted to a considerable extent of large blocks of land given of old to St Albans ; but, in addition to this tenurial difference, there is reason to think that, at the time of Domes- day, much of it was still forest land. The smaller manors of the north-east had been largely, before the Conquest, divided among ' sokemen,' as is explained in the Domesday Introduction. An en- deavour has been made to indicate on the map the distribution of these ' sokemen ' by placing an asterisk* against the names of these manors on which they were found at the death of Edward the Confessor. REFERENCE TO COLOURING Sing's Manors thus t'erlettme St Alban's Abbey's Manors ,, Eltii-Jtam Count Eustace of Boulogne's Manors ., Wazhflei HE CCUNTI ES OF ENGLAND