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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS for 10 ploughs. In the demesne are 3 hides, and 2 ploughs are on it, and there could be a third. There 12 villeins have 7 ploughs. There are 6 bordars and 2 cottars and 4 serfs. Meadow is there sufficient for 2 oxen, pasture sufficient for the live stock, and woodland to feed 200 swine. In all the value is and was 7 pounds; T.R.E. 10 pounds. This manor belonged and belongs (jacuit et jacet in) to the church of St. Paul. In LUFENELLE [Luffenhall] the Canons hold 2 hides. There is land for 2 ploughs. In the demesne is I hide and a half, and on it is i plough ; and i villein and (cum) 2 bordars have a half-plough (between them), and there could be another half-plough. There is I serf. Pasture is there sufficient for the live stock, wood sufficient for the fences. It is and was worth 2O shillings ; T.R.E. 40 shillings. This manor St. Paul held T.R.E. The Canons themselves hold SANDONE [San- don]. It is assessed at 10 hides. There is land for 20 ploughs. In the demesne are 5 hides, and on it are 6 ploughs. A priest there and (cum) 24 villeins have 1 2 ploughs between them, and there could be another. 1 There are 12 bordars and 16 cottars and n serfs. Meadow is there for 2 plough teams, pasture sufficient for the live stock, woodland to feed 150 swine. In all the value is and was 22 pounds ; T.R.E. 20 pounds. This manor belongs and belonged (jacuit et jacet in) to the church of St. Paul. fo. XIV. THE LAND OF THE CANONS OF WALTHAM IN HERTFORD HUNDRET The canons of the Holy Cross of Waltham hold WERMELAI [Wormley]. It is assessed at 5 hides. There is land for 4 ploughs. In the demesne are 3 hides 2 virgates and a half. There is I plough on it, and there could be another. There 5 villeins have 2 ploughs between them. There are 4 bordars and 3 cottars and 2 serfs. Meadow is there sufficient for 4 plough teams, pasture sufficient for the live stock, and woodland to feed 300 swine. Its total value is and was 4 pounds ; T.R.E. 100 shillings. This manor belonged and belongs (jacuit et jacet in) to the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham. 1 It should be observed that the figures do not here tally. The details only amount to 19 as against the estimated 20 (J.H.R.). The Canons themselves hold BRICHENDONE [Brickendon(bury)]. It is assessed at 5 hides. There is land for 8 ploughs. In the demesne are 3^ hides, and on it are 2 ploughs, and there could be a third. There 9 villeins have 4 ploughs between them, and there could be a fifth. There are 9 bordars and 24 cottars and 2 serfs, and i mill worth (de) 8 shillings. Meadow is there sufficient for 2 plough teams, pasture sufficient for the live stock of the vill and (worth) 2 shillings (besides), woodland to feed 200 swine. In all its value is and was 100 shillings ; T.R.E. 8 pounds. This manor belonged and belongs (jacuit et jacet in) to the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham. XV. THE LAND OF THE COUNT OF MORTAIN IN TREUNG [TRiNG] 2 HUNDRET The count of Mortain holds BERCHEHAM- STEDE [Gt. Berkhampstead]. It is assessed at 13 hides. There is land for 26 ploughs. In the demesne are 6 hides, and on it are 3 ploughs, and there could be other 3. A priest there and (cum) 14 villeins and 15 bordars have 12 ploughs, and there could be 8 ploughs more. There 6 serfs and a certain ditcher (fossarius) have a half-hide, and Rannulf, a Serjeant of the Count (serviens comitis), I virgate. In the borough (burbio) of this vill are 52 bur- gesses 3 who render from toll 4 pounds and have half a hide, and 2 mills worth (de) 20 shillings. There are 2 arpents of vineyard. Meadow is there sufficient for 8 plough teams, pasture for the live stock of the vill, and woodland to feed 1,000 swine and (worth) 5 shillings (besides). In all the value is 16 pounds ; when received it was 2O pounds ; T.R.E. 24 pounds. This manor Edmar, a thegn of earl Harold, 4 held. Ranulf holds of the Count SCENLAI [Shen- ley]. It is assessed at i hide. There is land for 2 ploughs. One is there, and there could be another. There are 2 bordars. Pasture is there sufficient for the live stock, and wood- land worth 100 shillings (si/va c sol'). 6 Alto- gether it is worth 5 shillings ; 6 when received 3 pounds ; T.R.E. 4 pounds. This land 2 3 Now part of Dacorum Hundred. 8 See Introduction, p. 280.

  • See Introduction, p. 281.

6 This is probably a slip of the scribe for si/va c fore' (as at Wigginton below), i.e. ' woodland to feed 100 swine' (J.H.R.). B So the MS. ; ? pounds. 317