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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS and this is there. Woodland is there to feed 40 swine. This land is and was worth 10 shillings ; T.R.E. 1 5 shillings. Three bro- thers held this land and could sell. In BRICEWOLDE [ ] a priest and his sister hold of the King 3 virgates. There is land for 2 ploughs. One is there, and there could be another. There are I villein and I cottar. Meadow is there suffi- cient for 4 oxen, woodland for 15 swine. This land is worth 5 shillings ; when received it was worth loshillings; and as much T.R.E. The same persons held it T.R.E. They were of the King's soke and could sell. In THEPECAMPE [Epcombe ? x ] a priest holds of the King's ' alms ' half a hide. There is land for I plough, and the plough is there, with 2 serfs. Meadow is there sufficient for I plough team, and i mill is there worth (de) 12 pence. This land is and was worth 15 shillings ; T.R.E. 2O shillings. The same man held it T.R.E. and still holds it in almoin. IN BRADEWATRE [BROADWATER] HUNDRET In WELGE [Welwyn] a priest holds I hide in ' alms ' of the King. There is land for 3 ploughs. On the demesne is I, and another could be added. Six bordars there have I plough. There are 2 cottars. Meadow is there sufficient for I plough team, pasture sufficient for the live stock, woodland for 50 swine. Its total value has always been 25 shillings. The same man held it of king Edward in almoin and it belongs to the church fo. 143 of the vill. Twelve acres of this almoin William Blach, a man of the bishop of Bayeux, occupied (invasit) to the King's injury (super regem] y as the hundred (court) attests. In AIETE [Ayot] the reeve (prepositus) of this hundred holds 9 acres of the King. There is land for I ox (to plough). It has always been worth 9 pence. This land Siward, a man of Alwin of Godtone, held and could sell. Merdelai [Mardleybury] s holds 3 virgates of the King. There is land for I plough, but it is not there, and only nisi i cottar. Wood- land is there to feed 24 swine. This land has always been worth 5 shillings. The same man held it T.R.E. and could assign (dare) it to whom he wished. He paid 3 pence yearly to the sheriff. In SUEUECHAMP [Sacomb] a King's soke- man holds a half-virgate. There is land for 2 oxen (to plough). It has always been worth 15 pence. The same man held it T.R.E. He was one of earl Lewin's men. He paid of custom I half-penny yearly. IN BRACHINGES [BRAUGHING] HUNDRET In STANESTEDE [Stanstead] Godmund holds 3 virgates of the King. There is land for 6 oxen (to plough), and these are there, with 4 bordars. Meadow is there sufficient for I plough team, woodland to feed 8 swine. This land has always been worth i o shillings. The same man held it of king Edward and could sell. In RODENEHANGRE [ XLII. THE LAND OF RICHARD FITZ GILBERT'S WIFE IN BRACHINGES [BRAUGHING] HUNDRET Rothais, wife of Richard son of count Gilbert, 4 holds STANDONE [Standon]. It is assessed at 1 1 hides. There is land for 24 ploughs. In the demesne are 6 hides, and on it are 5 ploughs. There 29 villeins with a priest and 15 bordars and 2 sokemen and a Frenchman have 12 ploughs (between them), and there could be 7 more ploughs. There are 9 cottars and 8 serfs, and 5 mills worth (de) 45 shillings. Meadow is there sufficient for 24 plough teams, pasture suffi- cient for the live stock, woodland to feed 600 swine. There are 2 arpents of vine- yard. Its total value is 34 pounds ; when received it was 16 pounds; T.R.E. 34 pounds. Archbishop Stigand held this manor. In this manor were 6 sokemen, men of the same Archbishop, and each had i hide and

  • ] Alward of could sell (the land) but not the soke. One

of them however could also sell his soke with the land. 1 On the stream, just to the north of Herting- fordbury. Mr. Page has suggested this identi- fication to me, and the sufficiency of meadow favours it (J.H.R.).

  • See p. 333, note 3 above.

3 See p. 323, note 3 above.

  • Alias Richard, ' de Tonbridge ' or ' de Clare '

G.H.R.). 343