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A HISTORY OF HERTFORDSHIRE Siret [Sired], 339*, 3404 Si ward, 331/7, 339,7 Siward man of Alwin of God- tone, 343/7 Siward man of Archbishop Sti- gand, 3063 Siward sokeman of King Ed- ward, 3194 Snerri [Suerri], 287, 32o3 Souberie [? Soulbury], Goduin of, 3245 Suen [Swen], 311/7, 333/2, 3353, 336" Taillegebosc [Talgebosc, Tallge- bosc, Taillebosc, Tailgebos, Tallebosc, Tailgebosch], Ralf, 273, 274, 284, 291, 303*, 3040, 3263, 3443, note 296 Daughter of, 3Oi3, 34417 Widow of, 284 Tedbert, 306/2 Tetbald, 338/5, 339*, 3393, 3404, 3403 Thorkill, 265 Thuri, 3191? Tochi, 329/2 Todeni [Thosny, Toeni], Ralf de, 282, 290, 301/7, 325/1 Todeni, Robert de, 277, 282, 290, 301*, 3243 Topi, 3364 Torchil [Turchil], 275,286, 287, 3283, 3303, 332/2 Tostig [Tosti], Earl, 278, 304* Turald, 331/7 Turbern, Eddeva's man, 320/7 Turbern, King Edward's man, 3263 Turbert a priest, 3383 Turold, 330* Turstin, 3093 Uctred, 339^ Ulwi, 300 Ulwin, 3413 Valbadon, Osmund de, 304/7 Valognes [Valonges, Valongies], Peter de, the sheriff, 273, 276, 282, 283, 284, 295, 2 9 6 2 99 3> 3i*> 33" 304-7, 3043, 313*, 327/7, 3273, 33<, 3363,337/7, 3373, 338/7, 338*, 3403 Valognes, Robert de, 282 Walchra, 287, 3343 Walter, 329/7, 3313 Walter the Fleming (of Wood- hill), 283, 3013, 3283 Waltham Abbey of, 278, 283 Canons of, 3 o i a, 3 1 7/7, 3 1 jb, 334* Waltheof [Wallef], Earl, 323/7 Ware, Anschil [Aschil] of, thegn of King Edward, 268, 270, 276, 283, 284, 288, 307/7, 307^, 325/7, 326^, 3274, 329/7, 337^, 3383, 339/7 Westminster Abbey of, 275, 278, 287, 291, 312/7, 3123, 313/7, 319,7, 327^ Abbot of, 275, 291, 301/7, 305,7, 312/7,312/5, 313/7 Wiga, 318/5 Wigar, 3333, 339/7. See also Wisgar Wigot of Wallingford, 269, 323/2 William, 306/7, 3063, 3073, 323/2, 323,$, 324/7, 324,5, 326/2, 326* William blach, 343/2 William the Conqueror, 269, 272, 278, 279, 298, 300, 301/7, 302/2, 302,5, 303/7, 3033, 304*, 3135, 323/7,3323,337/7, 337*. 3383, 34 2 *> 343". Richard son of. See Richard Robert brother of. See Mortain Wimund, 319^, 3203 Winchester Bishop of, 292, 301/7, 3053 Monks of, 275 Old Minster, 278, 3053 Wisgar, 33 9,7. See also Wigar Wlfric Werden, 341/7 Wlvric, 331/7 Wlwar man of Anschil of Ware, 339" Wlward man of Ansgar the stal- ler, 322/7, 3423. See also Wulfward Wlwen, 330,3 Wlwi man of Asgar, 307,5 Wlwin man of Earl Harold, 334". 335* Wulfmar of Eaton. See Eaton Wulfward, 277. See also Wlward Wulfwi [Wlwi] man of Godwine of Bendfield, 288, 3073. See also Wlwi Wulfwine of Eastwick. See East- wick. See also Wlwin Abbot's Langley [Langelai], 291, 293, 314* Albury [Eldeberie], 306*. See also Patmore Hall Aldbury [Aldeberie], 299, 318/7 Aldenham [Eldeham], 3 1 zb, 315^. See also Titeberst Almeshoe [Almeshou], 308^ Alswick [Alsieswiche], 326/7 Amesbury (Wilts), 277 Amwell [Emwella, Emmewelle], 278, 292, 293, 299, 3253, 334<* Anstey [Anestei, Anestige], 282, 321/2, 340* Apsbury [Absa], 3 1 5 Ardeley. See Yardley Arningford Hundred (Cambs), 285 Ashwell [Escewelle, Ascewelle], 276, 296, 313/7, 331/2, 337,5, 338/7, 3393 PLACE NAMES Aspenden [Absesdene], 3 29/7. See also Barksdon Green Aston [Estone], 286, 309/7 Ayot [Aiete], 278, 343/2 Ayot St. Laurence [Aiete], 3 1 3/7 Ayot St. Peter [Aiete], 323/7 Barksdon Green [Berchedene], 266, 267, 269, 282, 321^, 34* Barkway [Berchewei, Berche- weig], 266, 285, 3294, 331/2, 339^,341/7. See also Cocken- hatch Barley [Berlai, Berlaia, Berlee], 266, 289, 310/2, 3i63, 328/7, 3 2 9" 333*, 339* Barwythe [Bereworde], 325/7 Bayford(bury) [Begesford], 278, 283, 286, 304/5 Beauchamps [Alfledawicha], 277, 321* 390 Belvoir, 282 Bendfieldbury [Benedfelda], 277 Bendish [Benedis], 316/7 Bengeo [Belingehou], 267, 286, 287, 320/5, 327,7, 33 ib, 3343, 338" Bennington [Belintone], 276, 282, 292, 3363 Beranlea, note 281 Berkeley, 272 Berkhampstead, 269, 280, 281, 296. See also Great and Little Berkhampstead Binham Priory (Norfolk), 283 (Bishop) Stortford [Storteford], 279, 288, 3080 Blackmere [Blachemene], note 335/7 Bledlow (Bucks), 281 ? Boorscroft Farm [Bure], 3 1 83 Boreson Green [Bordesdene], 266, 322/7, 3243, 33ia Boscombe (Wilts), 277