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BOTANY near Deal and Tunbridge Wells ; S. umbrosa^ Opiz at Darenth, Elmsden and Folkestone. Sagina maritima, Don, frequent from Hythe to Sand- wich, has only been noticed elsewhere in Sheppey and at Heme Bay. S. ciliata, Fr. is doubtless often overlooked in sandy ground ; about sixteen stations are known for it. The only certain locality for S. subulata, Presl is at Blackheath ; while S. nodosa, Fenzl is restricted to the neighbourhood of Margate, Sandwich, Sandgate and Romney. The usual Kentish form of Lepigonum salinum, Kindb. is the glandular L. tieglectum, Kindb. Hypericine^. — Hypericum Androscemum, L. (tutsan) occurs in every district, and is rather common in the south, H. dubium. Leers has but six specified stations, var. maculatum, Bab. being reported from Hawk- hurst. H. montanum, L. prefers the border line between sand and chalk ; it is rare, and only found in districts i, 2, 3, 8. H. Elodes, L. grows about Keston and Chislehurst, around Tunbridge Wells, on Hothfield Heath, and at Collier's Green ; also at Willesborough and Westenhanger. Malvace^. — Althcea officinalis, L. (marsh mallow) may still be found in a good many submaritime spots (it is common in Romney Marsh) ; and A. hirsuta, L. holds its own about Cobham and Cuxton, where it was discovered in 1792. LiNE^. — Radiola linoides. Roth (all-seed), though locally frequent, has not been seen in districts 2, 4, 6, 7. Linum angustifolium, Huds. is most plentiful in the south and east, and appears to be absent from district i, Geraniace^. — Geranium pratense, L. (meadow crane's-bill) has been found sparingly in all but three of our divisions ; G. pyrenaicum, Burm. fil., though more common, is a doubtful native. G. rotundifolium, L. (rare and local) has over a dozen stations, several being in the north- west ; G. lucidum, L. being rather more frequent, though local. The var. purpureum of G. Robertianum, L. (herb Robert) abounds on the shingles of Dungeness ; it also grows at Hythe, Kingsdown, and between Dover and Folkestone. Erodium moschatum, L'Herit. is possibly native in Thanet, near Hythe, and at Sandgate ; E. maritimum, L'Herit, has been gathered near Deal and on the walls of Sandgate Castle, but not recently. Oxalis Acetosella, L. (wood sorrel), var. subpurpurascens, DC, with rose-pink flowers, used to grow at Chislehurst (Gerard), and has lately been found between Seal and Ightham. Impatiens bijiora. Walker {fuha, Nutt.) is naturalized near Catford Bridge, Lewisham and Darenth. Rhamne^. — Rhamnus catharticus, L. (buckthorn), common on chalk, grows in every district ; the sand-loving alder buckthorn {R. Frangula, L.) is frequent in districts i, 8, 9. Leguminos^. — Genista pilosa, L, has but one Kentish station (Wrotham Heath) ; G. anglica, L. (needle greenweed) being also com- paratively scarce, owing to the paucity of damp commons, a remark which applies to JJlex nanus, Forster. Trigonella purpurascens. Lam., rare inland, sometimes grows in profusion on the coast, like the choicer Medicago denticulata, Willd. and M. minima, Desr. M. syhestris, Fr. 53