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A HISTORY OF KENT pimpernel), though generally distributed, is scarce outside district 2 ; but A. tenel/a, L. (bog pimpernel) is fairly common. Centunculus minimus, L. (bastard pimpernel) has been noted as follows : Chislehurst, Tunbridge Wells, Hothfield, Brabourne, Willesborough and near Sand- ling Park. Samolus Valera?jdi, L. (brookweed), a frequent coast plant, grows inland at Tunbridge Wells, Snodland, Kingsnorth and Ashford. ApocYNACEiE. — Vinca minor, L., though often only planted, is certainly native in many of its stations, and plentiful in districts 8,9; it has been found in all the districts. Gentiane^. — Erythrcea pulchella, Fr. (dwarf centaury) is scarce, but only absent from district 6 ; £. capitata, Willd. should be searched for in Thanet and on the south coast cliffs. Gentiana Pneumonanthe, L. (marsh gentian) has but two known stations, at Tunbridge Wells and Goudhurst ; and we distrust those which have been alleged for G. campestris, L. (G. baltica, Murb. is more likely to have been found). Menyanthes trifoliata, L. (bogbean) seems to be extinct in district i, but grows freely in the marshes of district 5 and in a fair number of other east Kent localities. Limnanthemum peltatutn, S. P. Gmel. (fringed water-lily) is said to occur within the county near Tunbridge Wells ; whether planted or native we have no means of judging. BoRAGiNE^. — Cynoglossum germanicum, Jacq. (C. montanum. Lam.), is now lost at Eltham, Keston, Bromley, Northfleet and Sandwich (some of these cases, like that of Tunbridge Wells, may have been errors). G. E. Smith's station near Stouting may still produce it. Anchusa sempervirens, L. is a very scarce alien ; while Pulmonaria officinalis, L., said by Milne and Gordon (1793) to be abundant in woods between Chevening and Knockholt, and to occur between Cud- ham and Down, has not been verified since. Myosotis repens, L. is not uncommon in district 9, and perhaps elsewhere ; but most observers have failed to distinguish it from the common forget-me-not. M. sylvatica, Hoffm., although locally plentiful on chalk, cannot, upon the whole, be called frequent. Lithospermum purpureo-cceruleum, L. (blue gromwell), only found in and near Darenth Wood, appears at uncertain intervals, and has lately been sought for without success. CoNVOLVULACE^. — Volvulus Soldamlla, Junger [Convolvulus, L., sea bindweed) is recorded from Shellness, Westgate (perhaps extinct in these places), Pegwell to Deal, Dover to Folkestone and New Romney. Cuscuta europcea, L. (greater dodder) has a station or two noted in every district except 10 ; C. Epithymum, Murr. (lesser dodder), frequent on heather and furze, abounds on Teucrium at Dungeness ; and C Trifolii, Bab. is a troublesome pest in clover fields. SoLANACE^. — Solanum nigrum, L., var. miniatum (Bernh.) grew plentifully on the beach between Whitstable and Seasalter in 1875, but we failed to find it there in 1894; var. luteo-virescens (Gmel.) has occurred at Faversham and Tonbridge. Atropa Belladonna, L. (deadly nightshade) abounds on the bushy hills of districts 2, 6, being found more or less freely in all the districts, but probably not native off the