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A HISTORY OF KENT Lemnace^. — Lemna gibba, L. and L. polyrhiza, L. (great duckweed) are both local, but occur in all the districts. Wolffia Michelii, Schleid. has been found in several parts of districts 4, 5, and also near Lydd. Alismace^. — Alisma ranuiiculoides, L., absent only from districts 3, 6, 9, is yet rare, except near Canterbury, Sandwich and Deal. The arrowhead Sagittaria sagittifolia, L.) abounds in the Weald and in Thanet, though elsewhere uncommon ; Butomus umbellatus, L. (flowering rush) is frequent ; but Damason'mm steilatum, Pers. {Actinocarpus Damasonium, R. Br.), always very scarce, has not, we believe, been met with lately. Naiad ACE^. — Potai7iogeton polygomf alius, Pourr. is local rather than rare. P. lucens, L., P. pitsillus, L., P. pectinatus, L., and P. interruptus. Kit. {Jiabellatus, Bab.) are all frequent ; the last-named abounds in brackish water. Of the scarcer species we may mention P. coloratus, Hornem. {plantagineus, Du Croz), found at Ham Ponds, Preston and Hothfield ; P. aipinus, Balb. {rufescens, Schrad.), about Tonbridge, Marden, Staplehurst and Sholden ; P. angustifo/ius, Presl {Zizii, Roth), in the Stour near Wye ; P. acutifolius. Link, at Withamdrew (district 5) and Appledore ; P. obtusifolius, Mert. & Koch, rare in seven dis- tricts ; and P. Friesii, Rupr., at Dartford, Marden and several places in Thanet. Rtippia spiralis, Hartm. occurs in six localities (districts 2, 3, 10); R. rostellata, Koch being fairly common in saline pools and ditches, often accompanied by Zannichellia pedicellata, Fr. Zostera marina, L. (grass-wrack) is apparently absent from the south coast, being confined to districts 3, 4. Cyperace^. — Cyperus longus, L. (galingale) has but a single station near Seabrooke (district 10). Eleocharis uniglumis, Reichb., only found on the coast, has been noticed at Deal, Ham Ponds and Dungeness ; E. multicaulis, Sm. at Keston, Greenhithe, Faversham, Hothfield and Tunbridge Wells. Scirpus paiicijiorus, Lightf occurs at Ham Ponds and Dungeness ; 6'. ccespitosus, L., S. fluitans, L., and S. setaceus, L. being all rather uncommon. S. carinatus, Sm., now lost at Greenwich, grows plentifully with S. triqueter, L. by the Medway at Aylesford. S. syhaticus, L. has its headquarters in the Weald ; and ^S". Caricis, Retz {Blysmus compressus, Panz) is scarce in six districts. Eriophorum vaginatum, L. (hare's-tail cotton grass) seems to be lost from Tunbridge Wells ; its alleged stations in Thanet rest on questionable authority. E. angusti- folium. Roth (common cotton-grass) is thinly distributed ; and E. latifolium, Hoppe has but two stations at Herringe and Willesborough. Rhyncospora alba, Vahl has only been found near Tunbridge Wells ; Schcenus nigricans, L. near Folkestone, and perhaps in Thanet. Cladium jamaiceme, Crantz occurs in district 5 at Ham Ponds, Hacklinge, Sholden and near Deal. The sedges have not yet been thoroughly worked out in Kent. Among the more frequent species are Carex divisa, L. (sub- maritime), C. disticha, Huds., C. arenaria, L. (inland on Wrotham Heath), C. paniculata, L., C. vulpina, L., C. muricata, L., C. divulsa. Good., C. remota, L., C. ovalis. Good., C. acuta, L. (mainly in district 8), C. Goodenowii,]. Gay (vulgaris, Fr.), C.jiacca, Schreb. [glauca. Scop), 66