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BOTANY chalk formation are as well represented as they are in the South Downs of Sussex. A list of chc species found in Kent was published by the writer of this article in the Journal of Botany, 1888, and a number of species that had not then been discovered were pointed out as litely to occur. Most of these were subsequently detected in the county and an additional list was published in the same Journal in 1901, pp. 179, 227. But in the meanwhile the nomenclature of mosses had been altered, and it is consequently necessary to give the list anew in order to bring it up to date, more especially as several more species have been detected since 1 90 1. This increase of species has been largely due to the investigations of the Rt. Hon. Mr. Justice Stirling of Goudhurst, Mr. W. E. Nicholson of Lewes, and Mr. E. S. Salmon of Reigate, who have explored the district around Goudhurst, to Mr. L. J. Cocks of Bromley, and to Mr. A. W. Hudson of Cranbrook, and in the case of Sphagna to Mr. E. C. Horrell of Chelmsford. The classification and nomenclature that have been followed in this list are those of the second edition of the Student's Handbook of British Mosses, by H. N. Dixon, M.A., and H. G. Jameson, M.A., published in 1904. The species rare in the county are indicated by an asterisk. Those which as yet have been found only in Kent are Catharinea tenella in fruit and Ephemerum stellatum. A few species are extremely rare in other counties, e.g. Nanomi- trium tenerum and Pottia ccespitosa, fVeissia sterilis, W. crispata and W. multicapsularis. The list includes 283 species, exclusive of numerous varieties. Sphagnace.'e Sphagnum acutifolium, Ehrh. 1.9 var. rubellum, Russow. 1 var. viride, Warnst. I — crassicladum, Warnst. 8 — cuspidatum, R. & W. I var. falcatum, Russ. I — cymbifohum, Ehrh. I, 9 var. congestum, Schimp. 9 var. versicolor, Warnst. 9 var. pallescens, Warnst. i — fimbriatum, Wils. I — intermedium, Hoflm. I, 8 — medium, Limpr. var. roseum, Warnst. I — molluscum, Bruch. i — papillosum, Lindb. I var. sublaeve, Warnst. I, 8 var. normale, Warnst. I — rigidum, Schimp. I — rubellum, Wils. var. rubrum, Grav. I — rufescens, Warnst. I — squarrosum, Pers. I, 8, 9 — subsecundum, Nees. I, S, var. contortum, Schimp. 1,9 var. obesum, Wils. 9 — subnitens, R. & W. var. violascens, Warnst. 9 var. virescens, Warnst. 9 — trinitense, C. Mull. I — turfaceum, Warnst. I Tetraphidace^ Tetraphis pellucida, Hedw. I, 2 (fruiting, Joyden's Wood), 8 (near Ightham), 9 (fruiting near Goud- hurst) — 'Browniana, Grev. 8 {Tunbridge Wells), 9 (Goudhurst). Very rare. POLYTRICHACE^ Catharinea *angustata, Brid. 9 (Goudhurst) (fruiting) — •tenella, Rohl. 9 (Goud- hurst), fruiting. Very rare. — undulata, Web. & Mohr. l-io var. attenuata, Wils. 9 var. minor, H. & M. 8 Polytrichum aloides, Brid. I, 8 — commune, L. I, 2, 8, 9 — formosum, Hedw. i, 8, 9 — juniperinum, Wils. I, 8, 9 — nanum, Brid. 8 — piliferum, Schreb. 8 — strictum. Banks. 10 — urnigerum, Brid. 8, 9 DlCRANACE^ Archidium*alternifolium,Schimp. 9 (Goudhurst) Pleuridium alternifolium, Rabenh. 8 (Ightham). — axillare, Lindb. 8, 9 — subulatum, Br. & Schimp. 8,9 Ditrichum flexicaule, Hampe. 2, 5 (Sibertszvold), 8 — homomaUum, Hampe. I, 9 Seligeria calcarea, Br. & Schimp. 2,8 — 'paucifolia, Carr. 8 (Dunton Green ; Maidstone), 10 (Folkestone) — *pusilla, Br. & Schimp. 8 (Kcmsing ; Dunton Green) Ceratodon purpureus, Brid. 8 9, Cynodontium •Bruntoni, Br. & Schimp. 8 (Tunbridge Wells) Dichodontium 'pellucidum, Schimp. 8, 9 Dicranella cerviculata, Br. & Schimp. 8, 9 69 Dicranella *crispa, Schimp. 8 (Speldhurst) — heteromalla, Br. & Schimp. I, 6, 8, 9 — "rufescens, Schimp. 9 (Goud- hurst) — *Schreberi, Schimp. 6 (Bred- hurst), 7 (Dover), 8 (Seven- oaks) var. *elata, Schimp. 9 (Goud- hurst) varia, Schimp. 2, 8 Dicranoweissia cirrhata, Lindb. 8,9 Campylopus flexuosus, Brid. I, 8, 9 — *fragilis, Br. & Schimp. 8 (Rusthall Common) — pyriformis, Brid. i, 8, 9 Dicranum Bonjeani, De Not. 8, 9, 10 var. rugifolium, Bosw. 9 — *flagellare, Hedw. I (Bos tall Wood, Abbey Wood) — majus, Turn, i, 8 — *montanum, Hedw. i (Ab- bey Wood) — scoparium, Hedw. i, 8 — *Scottianum, Turn. 8 (Chid- dingstone) Leucobryum glaucum, Schimp. 8,9 FlSSIDENTACEvE Fissidens adiantoides, Hedw. 8, 9, 10 var. coUinus, Dixon. 8, 10 — bryoides, Hedw. 8 — 'decipiens, De Not. 8 (Seven- oaks, Godden Green) — 'exilis, Hedw. i (Bromley, Keston) — incurvus. Stark, i — pusillus, Wils. 8