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BOTANY for folypella glomerata Leonh. are Plumstead Marshes and Folkestone Warren ; the scarce 1. frolifera Leonh. being restricted to ditches near Snodland. Nitella flexilis Agardh, collected once near West Peckham, and TV. opaca Agardh, from six stations in districts 7, 8 and 9, complete our somewhat meagre list. LICHENS (Lichenes). The lichen flora of Kent is peculiar in relation to subalpine species, which are mostly confined to the district known as Lydd Beach. These probably have grown from spores carried by the wind from Devon, or from the opposite French coast. The published records of lichens for Kent are comparatively few. Many of those given by Foster and Jenner, in the Flora of Tunbridge Wells, have now disappeared, and the list given by the present writer in the Journal of Botany for 1888 has since had little added to it. In the following list the rarer species are marked with an asterisk. The classification adopted is that of Crombie's British Lichens as far as the genus Pertusaria, and beyond that genus, that of the third edition of Leighton's Lichen Flora of Great Britain. COLLEMACEI Caliciei {continued) Ramalinei {continued) CoUema cheileum, Ach. 8, 9 Calicium parietinum, Ach. 8 Ramalina fastigiata, Ach. 2, — crispum, Ach. 2, 8 {Wes- — *phaeocephalum, Turn, and 8, 9 terham) Borr. 8 {Tunbridge Wells) — fraxinea, Ach. i, 6, 9 — quercinum, Pers. 8, 10 — trachehnum, Ach. 6, 8 Coniocybe *furfuracea, Ach. I {Chislehurst) Sphinctrina turbinata, Pers. 5,. 8 Trachylia tympanella, Fr. 8 SpHjEROPHOREI Spharophoron * coraUoides, Pers. 8 {Hungershdl Rocks) B.EOMYCE^I Baeomyces roseus, Pers. 8 — rufus, DC. 8 Cladonia •alcicornis, Flk. 10 {Lydd Beach) — caespiticia, Flk. 8 — cariosa, Flk. 8 — cervicornis, Schaer. 8 • — degenerans, Flk. var. amoena, Ach. I — delicata, Flk. 2 var. subsquamosa, Nyl. 8 — digitata, Hoffm. 8 var. ostreatiformis, Leight. 8 — fimbriata, Fr. 2 — furcata, Hoffm. 8 var. recurva, Hoffm. 10 • — gracilis, Hoffm. 10 — macilenta, Hoffm. I, 8 — pungens, Flk. 8 f. foliosa, Flk. 10 pyxidata, Fr. i, 7, 8, g rangiferina, Hoffm. — *furvum, Ach. 9 {Staple- hurst), 10 {Lympne) — *glaucescens, Hoffm. 2 {Chelsfieli) — *nigrescens, Ach. 2, 8, 10 (in fruit near Halstead) — pulposum, Ach. I, 5, 9, 10, sub-sp. ceranoides, Nyl. 2 {Chelsfield) Collemodium *biatorinum, Nyl. 8 {Maidstone) — 'microphyllum, Nyl. 3 {Selling), 10 {Folkestone) — *plicatile, Nyl. 8 {Maid- stone), 9 {Boughton Mon- chelsea) — Schraderi, Nyl. 2, 8 (in fruit at Shoreham and Kemsing), 10 — turgidum, Nyl. 8, 10 Leptogium *cretaceum, Nyl. 10 {Folkestone, in fruit) — lacerum, Ach. 2, 8, 10 — *microscopicum, Nyl. 8 {Maidstone) — •minutissimum, Fr. 2 {Hal- stead) — scotinum, Fr. 5, 6 var. sinuatum,Malbr.5 Collemopsis *diffundens, Nyl. 8 {Maidstone) — *SchEreri, Nyl. 8 {Maidstone, Kemsing) Pyrenidium 'actinellum, Nyl. 8 {Maidstone) LICHENACEI Caliciei Calicium •chrysocephalum, Ach. 8 {Shipbourne, Penshurst) — curtum. Turn, and Borr. 8, 10 — hyperellum, Ach. 8 — melanophajum, Ach. var.ferrugineum,Schsr. 8 {Postling, in fruit) — pollinaria, Ach. 6, 8, 9 f. humiUs, Ach. 8 USNEI Usnea ceratina, Ach. 10 var. scabrosa, Ach. 10 f. ferruginascens, Cromb. 3, 8, 10 — florida, Ach. 10 — hirta, Hoffm. 10 Alectoriei Alectoria 'jubata, Nyl. sub- sp. chalybeiformis, Ach. 8 {Rusthall Common) Cetrariei Cetraria aculeata, Fr. 5 {Sandwich)

  • f. acanthella, Nyl. 10

{Lydd Beach) '

  • f. hispida, Cromb. 10

{Lydd Beach) Platysma *s2epincola, Nyl. 5 Court, Cladina — subsquamosa, Nyl. 8 — sylvadca, Hoffm. 8 Ramalinei Ramalina calicaris, Hoffm. var. canaliculata, Fr. 5, 9 {Hothfield, in fruit), 10 var. subamphata, Nyl. evernioides, Nyl. i farinacea, Ach. I, 3, 77 (near Ripple in fruit) — *diffusum, Nyl. 8 {Pens- hurst, Sevenoaks) Parmeliei Evernia prunastri, Ach. 8 {Penshurst and Wrotham, in fruit), 9, 10 var *stictocera. Hook. 5 {Sandwich), lo {Lydd Beach) Parmelia 'acetabulum, Dub. 7 {Broome Park), 8 (fruit- ing in Penshurst Park) • — Borreri, Turn. 8 (JVester- ham, in fruit) — caperata, Ach. 2, 6, 8, 10 — exasperata, Nyl. I, 8, 9, lo — *fuHginosa, Nyl. 8 {Ight- ham, Rusthall Common) — laevigata, Ach. 2, 6, 8, 9 — perforata, Wulf. 3, 7, 10 sub-sp. 'ciliata, Nyl. 8 {Lydd, in fruit)