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A HISTORY OF KENT CUCURBITARIACE^ Cucurbitaria Berberidis, Sacc. Hayes — elongata, Fr. Swanscombe — Spartii, N. Darenth SUPERFICIALES Lasiospharia superficiaIis,Curr. Kent (Massee) Coniochsta capillifera, Curr. Kent (Massee) Venturia ditricha, Fr. Darenth — inasqualis, Cke. Darenth — Potentilla;, Fr. Darenth Chastomium atrum, Link. Swans combe Sordaria caudata, Cke. Black- heath Pertus^ Amphisphasria brachythele, B. & Br. Chislehurst LOPHIOSTOMACE^ Lophiostoma arundinis, Fr. Chislehurst — bicuspidatum, Cke. Dar- enth — hysterioides, Curr. Chisle- hurst Cerastostomace^ Gnomonia Arise, Fckl. Dar- enth, Shoreham — Avellans, Sch. Darenth — Coryli, Batsch. Bexley, Darenth — setacea, Pers. Bexley, Dar- enth — vulgaris, Cke. Bexley, Dar- enth Lentomita ligneola, B. & Br. Sydenham OBTECT.ffi: Massaria bufonia, B. & Br. Eltham — Curreyi, Tul. Blackheath, Eltham Park — foedans, Fr. Blackheath, Eltham — gigaspora, Fckl. Black- heath, Darenth — inquinans, Tode. Sydenham — siparia, B. & Br. Black- heath Enchnoa infernalis, Kze. & Fr. Sydenham Leptosphaeria Tamaricis, Grev. Dover Delacourea eustegia, Cke. Swanscombe Caulicol^ Phomatospora Berkeleyi, Sacc. Bexley Raphidospora Urtics, Rabh. Darenth Heptameria clara, Cke. Sand- gate — clivensis, B. & Br. Darenth Wood Caulicol-e {continued) Heptameria maculans, Desm. Darenth — planiuscula, B. & Br. Chisle- hurst — unicaudata, B. & Br. Dar- enth — Vectis, B. & Br. Darenth Pleospora platyspora, S. Dar- enth Foliicol;e Lastadia acerifera, Cke. Dar- enth Sphxrella aquilina, Fr. Dar- enth — arcana, Cke. Darenth — atomus, Desm. Darenth — hieracii, Cke. & Mass. Tunbridge Wells — Ligustri, Desm. Dartford — maculsformis, P. Darenth — oblivia, Cke. Darenth Wood — sparsa, Wallr. Darenth ASCOMYCETES AsCOMYCEjE Ascomyces deformans, Berk. Sevenoaks — Pruni, Fckl. Sevenoaks — turgidus, Phil. Sevenoaks Hysteriace.5; Hysterium angustatum, A. & S. Ightham — pulicare, Pers. Chelsfield, Ightham Hysterographium elongatum, Corda. Tunbridge Wells — Fraxini, De Not. Green- wich, Tunbridge Wells Hypoderma virgultorum, D. C. Greemvich Lophodermium pinastri, Chev. Tunbridge Wells Dichsna faginea, Fr. Seven- oaks — quercina, Fr. Sevenoaks DISCOMYCETES Phacideace/e Colpoma quercinum. Walk. Greenwich, Darenth, Tun- bridge Wells, Ightham Rhytisma acerinum, Fr. Seven- oaks Trochila ilicis, Cr. Greenwich, Chislehurst Sticte.^ Stictis radiata, Pers. Green- wich Propolis faginea, Karst. Green- wich Dermate^ Cenangium Cerasi, Mass. Greenu)ich Sderoderris rubi, Mass. Green- wich Dermate-ie {continued) Sderoderris fuliginosa, Karst. Greenwich — livida, Mass. Sydenham Hill Bulcarie.^ Bulgaria polymorpha, Wettst. Sydenham, Hayes, Green- wich, Halstead, Sevenoaks Orbilia vinosa, Karst. Green- wich — leucostigma, Fr. Green- wich AsCOBOLE^ Ascobolus furfuraceus, Pers. Greenwich, Sydenham — immersus, Pers. Sydenham Hill Ascophanus argenteus. Bond. Eltham — carneus. Bond. Sydenham Hill, Chislehurst 7i.zzm. Pseudopeziza albella, Mass. Greenwich — palustris, Mass. Chisle- hurst MoUisia atrata, Pers. Darenth, Greenwich — cinerea, Kant. Darenth, Sydenham, Tunbridge Wells — fusca, Mass. Darenth Belonidium lacustre, Phil. Darenth, Blackheath — pruinosum, Mass. Syden- ham Helotium aquaticum, Curr. Chislehurst — citrinum, Fr. Greenwich var. pallescens, Mass. Greenwich — conigerum, Fr. Greenwich — cyathoideum, Karst. Green- wich — fagineum, Fr. Greenwich ■ — herbarum, Fr. Greenwich — luteolum, Curr. Chisle- hurst — ochraceum. Berk. Syden- ham Hill — tuba, Fr. Chislehurst — virgultorum, Karst. Green- wich Sclerotinia Curreyana, Karst. Greenwich Chlorosplenium sruginosum, De Not. Kemsing, Sevenoaks Diplocarpa Curreyana, Mass. Joyden's Wood Lachnea scutellata, L. Green- wich, Sydenham, Tun- bridge Wells — umhrata, Phil. Tunbridge Wells