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MARINE ZOOLOGY Sandwich. One of the most interesting facts connected with the marine animals in the neighbourhood of Sandwich is the evidence furnished by the mollusca of the great changes known to have occurred during the historical period. Scrobicularia plana (da Costa) in a living state is found only some way below Sandwich, but dead shells in good preser- vation, in the position they had when living, are found in the mud of the Great Stour, near Stourmouth, where they no doubt lived when there was an open channel round by Reculver, which is now completely closed. Marine Animals in the Neighbourhood of Whitstable. The following is a list of the invertebrate animals belonging to certain groups found in the neighbourhood of Whitstable, for which I am indebted to Mr. Sibert Saunders of that place. The names are those given to me by him, except in the case of the Nudibranchs and Ascidians,in which I give those adopted respectively by the Conchological Society and by Professor Herdman. Noctiluca miliaris PORIFERA Tethea lyncurium Halichondria panicea Cliona celata — gorgonioides Dysidea fragilis Grantia ciliata Clava multicornis Hydractinia echinata Coryne pusilla — ramosa Eudendrium ramosum Tubularia indivisa — larynx Halecium halecinum Sertularia rugosa — rosacea — pumila — gracilis — tamarisca — filicula • — abietina — operculata — argentea — cupressina Hydrallmania falcata Aglaophena pluma — tubulifera — pennatula Antennularia antennina Plumularia pinnata — setacea Obelia gelatinosa — geniculata — dichotoma — flabellata Campanularia volubilis — Integra CTENOPHORA Beroe fulgens Pleurobrachia pileus (Moder) anthozoa Alcyonium digitatum Actinoloba dianthus Sagartia troglodytes TeaUa crassicornis Though Actinia mesembryanthemum is not found at Whitstable, it is plentiful on the shore to the east of Birchington. ANNELIDA Apoda Pontobdella muricata PoLYCHiSTA Aphrodita aculeata Lepidonotus cirratus Nereis sp. Nephthys casca Phyllodoce viridis — lamelligera Spio seticornis Cirratulus cirratus Arenicola marina