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INSECTS ACRIDIODEA Grasshoppers TriixalldcB. Stembothrus Hneatus, Panz., is a local form, but abun- dant in Folkestone warren, and S. viridulus, L., is common on grassy- places throughout the county. That handsome grasshopper S. rufipes, Zett., has been taken at Bromley, Heme Bay and Folkestone warren. S. bicolor, Charp., and S. paralklus, Zett., are our two most abundant grasshoppers. S. elegans, Charp., is abundant on the sandhills at Deal. Gomphocerus rufus, L., is by no means common ; Com. J. J. Walker, R.N., has taken it at Chatham, and in 1896 it was common at the eastern end of the Folkestone warren, though in 1898 none were to be seen there ; it frequents grassy slopes and hillsides exposed to the sun. The little grasshopper G. maculatus, Thunb., is common on sandy heaths throughout the county ; it has been recorded from Holtye Common, Deal, Folkestone warren, Tunbridge Wells and at Evington near Wye. (Edipodidce. It is very doubtful whether the true Pachytylus migra- torius, L., has ever occurred in this country. It is essentially an eastern or levantine species, and swarms at times in Roumania and south Russia. It has undoubtedly been taken as far west as Sicily, but almost certainly the majority of so-called P. migratorius recorded in Britain are to be referred to the following species. It is included here as most of the locusts taken from time to time in Great Britain are recorded as P. migratorius, and it is just possible that it may have occurred. The locust P. danicus, L. {cinerascens, Fabr.), usually reported as Gryllus migratorius, has been taken at various times in the county of Kent. In 1846 numbers of locusts were observed at Margate; in 1848 G. migratorius was plentiful at Heme Bay and frequent at Margate,* and in 1859 was again plentiful at Heme Bay. Of the Tettigidce, I'ettix subulatus, L., is widely distributed and common. 7". bipunctatus, L., is still commoner than the last. LOCUSTODEA Grasshoppers Phaneropteridce. Leptophyes punctatissima, Bosc, has been recorded from Heme Bay, Bromley, New Eltham, Folkestone warren, and from near Strood. It is by no means rare, and probably is widely distributed throughout the county. Meconemidce. The delicate little grasshopper Meconema varium, Fabr., is commoner than the above ; it is most probably common throughout the county, and has been recorded from Bromley and New Eltham. ConocephalidcE. That handsome grasshopper Xiphidium dorsale, Latr., is one of our rarer species ; it has been recorded from Heme Bay and » Rye Ent. W. Int. (Oct. 3, 1857), iii. 7-8. I 103 14