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A HISTORY OF KENT Staphylinid^ {continued) Scopasus sulcicoUis, Steph. (minutus, Er.). Rare. Lee, Higham, Diirenth, Ton- bridge, St. Peter's [hie of Thanet) — cognatus, Rey. Very rare, one speci- men. JP^ingham, near Sandwich ; perhaps identical with the preced- ing Medon castaneus, Grav. Very rare. Deal (C. G. Hall) — piceus, Kr. Very rare. Bexley (Champion), Darenth Wood (Black- burn) — brunneus, Er. Local. Birch Wood, Chatham, Cobham — fusculus, Mann. Very local. JVester- ham, Tonbridge — apicalis, Er. Very rare. Erith — propinquus, Bris. Very common — melanocephalus, F. Common and generally distributed — obsoletus, Nord. Rare. Heme Bay, Tonbridge Lithocharis ochracea, Grav. Common and generally distributed Sunius filiformis, Latr. Rare. Folkestone — intermedius, Er. Locally abundant. Darland Hill, Chatham, Strood, Lee, Sheerness, Tonbridge — angustatus, Payk. Very common Paederus littoralis, Grav. Common and generally distributed — riparius, L. Local. Snodland, Faver- sham — fuscipes, Curt. Very local. Snodland, in profusion, 1874 (J. J. W.) Evaesthetus scaber, Grav. Local. Chat- ham, Wigwore Wood, Lee, Sheerness — ruficapillus, Lac. Locally abundant. Snodland, Higham, Strood, Lee Stenus biguttatus, L. Local. Snodland, Darenth JFood, Lewisham, Charlton — bipunctatus, Er. Local. Darenth JVood, Lee, Sevenoaks, Charlton — guttula. Mull. Not common. Sheer- ness, Charlton, Heme Bay — bimaculatus, Gyll. Common and widely distributed. — asphaltinus, Er. Rare. Cobham, Charl- ton, Strood, Erith, Chatham, West Wickham, Tonbridge — juno, F. Common and generally distributed — ater, Mann. Local. Greenhithe, Sheerness, Chatham, Faversham, Chil- ham. Deal — speculator, Er. Very common and generally distributed — providus, Er., var. rogeri, Kr. Com- mon, but less abundant than the Staphylinid^ (continued) preceding, and the type form does not occur in Britain Stenus buphthalmus, Grav. Common and generally distributed — melanopus. Marsh. Common and widely distributed — incrassatus, Er. Scarce. Sheerness, Maidstone, Tonbridge — morio, Grav. Very rare. Tonbridge (Horner) — canaliculatus, Gyll. Local. Lee, Chatham, Sheerness, Deal — pusillus, Er, Local, but widely distri- buted — exiguus, Er. Scarce. Tonbridge — fuscipes, Grav. Very local. Cobham — circularis, Grav. Not common. El- tham, Cobham, Tonbridge — declaratus, Er. Common and gener- ally distributed — crassus, Steph. (crassiventris, Thoms.). Local, but not uncommon. Lee, Eltham, Sheerness, Northjleet, Ton- bridge — carbonarius, Gyll. Rare. Sheppey, Ton- bridge — argus, Grav. Rare. Tonbridge — nigritulus, Gyll. Local. Lee, Wester- ham, Northjleet, Tonbridge — brunnipes, Steph. (unicolor,Er.). Abun- dant everywhere — subaeneus, Er. Local. Chatham, Up- nor, Sheerness, Tonbridge — ossium, Steph. (impressipennis, Duv.). Generally common — fuscicornis, Er. Not common. Cob- ham, Charlton, Greenhithe, Darenth, Tonbridge — geniculatus, Grav. Very local. JFick- ham — palustris. Rare. Bearsted (Gorham) — impressus. Germ. Very common — aerosus, Er. (annulatus. Crotch). Darenth Wood, Hayes, Plumstead, Deal — pallipes, Grav. Local. Lee, Eltham, Tonbridge — flavipes, Steph. Common and gener- ally distributed — pubescens, Steph. Local, but rather widely distributed — binotatus, Ljungh. Not uncom- mon — canescens, Rosh. (major, Rey). Local, and as a rule rare. Darenth Wood, Snodland, Faversham, Maidstone, Sandiuich — pallitarsis, Steph. Local. Sheerness, Maidstone 13a