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A HISTORY OF KENT SlLPHlD^ [continued) Choleva angustata, F. Rare. Upnor, Sheerncis, Chatham — cisteloides, Froh. Rather common, but never plentiful — intermedia, Kr. Rare. Birch Wood, Dover — spadicea, Sturm. Rare. Cohham Great Wood, Bexley, St. Mary Cray — agilis, 111. Local. Sheerness, Bexley, Darenth Wood — velox, Spence. Common and generally distributed — wilkini, Spence. Less common than the preceding, but widely distributed — anisotomoides, Spence. Local, ^jeen- down, Chatham, Darenth Wood, Ramsgate, Folkestone — fusca, Panz. Local and never com- mon. Greenwich, Rochester, Cohham Park, Chatham — nigricans, Spence. As the preceding. Chattenden, Cohham Park, Lee, Birch Wood, Sheerness — morio, F. Mr. Walker records this as generally distributed and not rare in the Rochester district ; as a rule it is not common. Sheerness, Chatham, Lee — grandicollis, Er. Local. Cohham Park, Chatham, Sheerness, etc. — nigrita, Er. Local, but w^idely distri- buted — tristis, Panz. Generally distributed and common — chrysomeloides, Panz. Generally dis- tributed — fumata, Spence. Not uncommon — watsoni, Spence. With the preceding, but less common — colonoides, Kr. Very rare; one speci- men in rotten stump of ash, April, 1897. Cohham Park (J. J. W.) — sericeus, F. Common everywhere — varicornis, Kr. Very rare. Folkestone (Power) Colon viennense, Herbst. Rare. Wigmore Wood, Cohham Park, Rainham, Dar- enth Wood, Birch Wood, Lee, Chat- ham — serripes, Sahib. Rare. Cohham Park, Maidstone, Lee — dentipes, Sahib. Very rare. Darenth Wood (Champion) var. zebei, Kr. Very rare. JVigmore Wood near Chatham (J. J. W.) — brumeum, Latr. The only member ot the genus that cannot be called rare. Sevcnoaks, Darenth Wood, Chatham, Cohham Park, Chattenden, etc. SlLPHlD^ {continued) Colon appendiculatum. Sahib. Very rare. Birch Wood (Power) — denticulatum, Kr. Very rare. Darenth Wood (Power), Hythe (Rye) — latum, Kr. Very rare. Greenhithe (Waterhouse) [The members of the genus Colon .ire among our very rarest beetles ; they are all taken by sweeping in the summer] Bathyscia (Adelops) woUastoni, Jans. This species used to be considered ex- tremely rare, but has occurred in numbers in the Isle of Thanet near Broadstairs in decaying seed potatoes, where I have taken it with the Rev. T. Wood in his garden ; it has also occurred at Staple and Wingham, and is probably general but over- looked ScVDM^NIDi^ Neuraphes elongatulus, MuU. Not com- mon. Lee, Faversham, Sandwich — angulatus, Mlill. Not common. Lee, Sheerness, West Wickham, Tonhridge, Sandwich — sparshalli, Denny, Rare. Sheerness, Lee, Cohham Park, Sittingbourne var. minutus, Chaud. (pumilio, Schaum). Rare. Lee (Power) — longicollis. Mots, (prasteritus, Rye). Rare. Cohham Park, Wigmore Wood, Snodland, Erith, Strood, Folkestone, Sandwich Scydmsnus scutellaris. Mull. Generally distributed and common — collaris, Mull. Usually common. Ro- chester district, scarce (J. J. W.) — pusillus, Mull. Rare. Chatham dis- trict ; once found in some numbers at Snowledge Bottom (J. J. W.) — exilis, Er. Under rotten beech bark. Cohham Park, rare Euconnus denticornis. Mull. Rare. Faver- sham, Ashford, Darenth Wood, Chat- tenden — hirticollis, 111. Rare. Snodland, Faver- sham — fimetarius, Chaud. Rare. Sheerness, Bromley, Darenth Wood, Ton- bridge Eumicrus tarsatus. Mull. Generally dis- tributed and common Euthia scydmaenoides, Steph. Rare. Black- heath, Dover — plicata, Gyll. Very rare. Cohham Park, one specimen (J. J. W.) Cephennium thoracicum, Mull. Not un- common 142