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A HISTORY OF KENT Trichopterygid-s: [continued) Nossidium pilosellum, Marsh. Local. Cob- ham Park, Birch IFood, Darenth Wood Ptenidium punctatum, Gyll. Under sea- weed ; locally common. Whltstable, Klngsgate — fuscicorne, Er. Local. Lee, Eltham — nitidum, Heer (pusillum, Er.). Local. Shecrnesi — evanescens, Marsli. (apicale, Er.). Com- mon everywhere — formicetorum, Kr. In nests of Formica rufa and F. fuliginosa. IVigmore IVood; scarce — turgidum, Thorns. Strood, rare (Cham- pion) ; Cohham Park, in wet decayed ash-wood, rather common (J. J. W.) CORYLOPHID^ Orthoperus, Kluki, Wank, (brunnipes, Brit. Cat.). Local. Sheernas, Cohharn Park — atomus, Gyll. Sheerncss ; prob.ibly general but overlooked Corylophus cassidioides, Marsh. Not un- common. Gravaend, Sheerness, Da- renth TFood, Birchington, etc. — sublasvipennis, Duv. Rare. Gravesend, Heme Bay Sericoderus lateralis, Gyll. Generally dis- tributed and common Phalacrid^ Phalacrus corruscus, Payk. Common and generally distributed var. humberti, Tourn. Not uncom- mon. Sheerness, Chatham, Darenth Wood, Whitstable, etc. — brisouti. Rye. Rare. Gravesend, Lee, Rainham, Lcwisham, Sheppey, Deal — brunnipes, Bris. Rare. Chathatn, Chattenden, Sheerness, Lee Olibrus corticalis, Panz. Locally common and widely distributed — aeneus, F. Common everywhere — liquidus, Er. Common and generally distributed — particeps, Muls. (affinis, Brit. Cat.). Rare. Folkestone — millefolii, Payk. Rare. Lee, Kingsgate — pygmaeus, Sturm. Not common. Da- renth Wood, Cobham Stilbus testaceus, Panz. (geminus. 111.; con- similis. Marsh.). Very common everywhere — atomarius, L. Rare. Snodland — oblongus, Er. In stems of Typha ; locally common. Snodland, Chatham, Gravesend, Sheppey, Birchington, Peg- well Bay COCCINELLID^ Subcoccinella 24-punctata, L. (Lasia glo- bosa, L.). Locally common CocciNELLID^ [continued) Hippodamia 1 3-punctata, L. Marshy places on reeds, etc. ; rare. Deal — variegata, Goeze (mutabilis, Scriba). Local. St. Mary Cray, Kingsgate, Margate, Deal Anisosticta 19-punctata, L. Marshy places, amongst reeds and aquatic plants. Local. Lee, Gravesend, Birchington Adalia obliterata, L. On firs ; not un- common — bipunctata, L. Abundant throughout the kingdom Mysia oblona;oG;uttata, L. On firs. Local. West Wickham Anatis ocellata, L. On firs. Locally common Coccinella lo-punctata, L. (variabilis. III). Common everywhere — hieroglyphica, L. Under fir trees, etc. Local. Brasted, Chattenden, Chatham — 1 1 -punctata, L. Generally common — 7-punctata, L. Common everywhere — distincta, Fald. (labilis, Muls.). Very local in sandy places. Heme Ba, JFhitstable, Kingsgate Halyzia i6-guttata, Poda. Local. JVhit- stable, Sheerness — 14-guttata, L. Not uncommon on young alders, larch, whitethorn, etc. — i8-guttata, L. On firs; not uncommon — conglobata, L. (14-punctata, L.). Com- mon and generally distributed — 22-punctata, L. Common and gener- ally distributed Micraspis i6-punctata, L. Marshy places; local, but very common where it occurs var. poweri, Weise. Lee Pit (Power) ; very rare Hyperaspis reppensis, Herbst. Rather scarce and very local. Sheerness Scymnus pulchellus, Herbst (4-lunulatus, 111.). One example, ' Kent ' (Rye's collection) — nigrinus, Kug. On the Scotch fir ; scarce. Chattenden, Chatham, Birch Wood — pygmseus, Fourc. Local. Chatham, Lee, Deal, Dover — frontalis, F. Common — suturalis, Thunb. Not uncommon on and under the Scotch fir var. limbatus, Steph. Not uncommon. Lee — testaceus, Mots, (mulsanti, Wat.). Marshy places, at roots of grass, under seaweed, etc. ; local. Lee, Chatham, Chattenden, Sheerness, Folke- stone 144