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INSECTS ScaraBj€id^ {continued) Chatham, Broadstalrs, Kingsgate, Ash- ford. Mr. Walker records it as abundant in Sheppey in late autumn and early spring Aphodius punctato-sulcatus, Sturm. Com- mon everywhere — prodromus, Brahm. Common — contaminatus, Herbst. Common every- where — obliteratus, Panz. Local. Birch JVood, Darenth Wood, Cohham Park, Ton- bridge — zenkeri, Germ. Local and rare. Cob- ham Park, Sevenoais — luridus, F.' Local, but not uncommon. Whitstahle, ^teendoivn Warren, Cob- ham Park — rufipes, L. Very common everywhere — depressus, Kug. Local. Chatham. The typical red variety is extremely rare Heptaulacus sus, Herbst. Sandy places, in dung ; local. Deal, Sandwich — villosus, Gyll. Sandy and chalky places ; by sweeping, etc. Considered one of the rarest British beetles until Dr. Sharp and Mr. Walker took it in great profusion by sweeping in a very limited grassy spot on the south side of Cobham Park, on 20 June, 1889 Oxyomus porcatus, F. In vegetable re- fuse, hotbeds, etc. ; not uncommon and widely distributed Pssamobius sulcicollis, Herbst. On the coast ; in and on the sand, occa- sionally under seaweed ; rare. Deal, Dover i^lgialia arenaria, F. On the coast ; prob- ably common, but I only have a record from Deal Odontaeus mobilicornis, F. In dung ; usually taken on the wing ; very rare. Darenth Wood, Birch Wood, Charlton, Dartford Gcotrupes typhoeus, L. Under cow dung. Greenwich, and probably general — spiniger, Marsh. In dung ; generally distributed and common — stercorarius, L. In dung ; generally distributed and common — mutator, Marsh. In dung ; generally distributed and common — sylvaticus, Panz. In dung ; generally distributed and common — vernalis, L. Local. Greenwich, Plum- stead, Belvedere, etc. 1 The entirely black variety is not uncommon !n Cobham Park and neighbourhood. ScARAB^ffilDi^: {continued) Geotrupes pyrenaeus, Charp. Sandy heaths ; very local and rare. Belvedere Trox sabulosus, L. Sandy places ; in dry carcases, rams' horns, etc.; rare. Sund- ridge, Dover — scaber, L. In dry carcases, hides, bones, etc. ; local. Blackheath, Tonbridge Hoplia philanthus, FUss. On flowers, etc. ; local, but usually common where it occurs. Chatham, Lee, West Wick- ham, Sheerness, Tonbridge, Pegiuell Bay, Dover, etc. Homaloplia ruricola, F. The black variety is very rare. On flowers ; as a rule rare. Cobham Great JVood, ^leen- doivn Warren, Horsted, Darenth Wood, Dover, Sandwich (in numbers, and also a black variety, C. O. Waterhouse) Serica brunnea, L. By sweeping ; also on or about poplars and birch ; local. Sevenoaks, Lee, etc. Rochester district. not common Rhizotrogus solstitialis, L. Generally dis- tributed and often in profusion, flying about trees at dusk Melolontha vulgaris, F. About trees, fly- ing at dusk ; generally distributed and often in great abundance. Mr. Walker records it as ' decidedly less abundant now than in former years ' in the Rochester district [Polyphylla fullo, F. All the known British specimens up to Stephens' time were recorded as taken between Hythe and Ramsgate, chiefly in the neighbour- hood of Deal and Sandwich. One has occurred at Belvedere, Kent, since, but the species is certainly not indi- genous] Phyllopertha horticola, L. On flowers, young trees, etc. ; common Anomala frischi, F. Sandy places, usually on the coast ; not uncommon at Deal, and probably widely distri- buted Cetonia aurata, L. On flowers ; gene- rally distributed and common Gnorimus nobilis, L. On flowers and in orchards, in the rotten wood of trees, etc. ; very rare. One specimen, road between Farningham and Darenth Wood, 1896 (R. W. Lloyd) BuPRESTIDit Agrilus biguttatus, F. Found flying about and settling on oak stumps and felled timber ; in clearings in woods ; very local. Darenth Wood (in some num- bers, Power and Champion) — laticornis, 111. By beating young hazel. 153