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INSECTS Elaterid^ {continued) Chatham, Strood, Sheerness (in num- bers), Sheppey Agriotes sobrinus, Kies. By beating and sweeping in woods; rather local. Chatham, Darenth Wood — pallidulus, 111. As the preceding ; com- mon Dolopius marginatus, L. As the preceding ; local. Darenth Wood, Chatham Corymbites quercus, Gyll. By sweeping and beating ; not common. Birch and Darenth JVoods, Belvedere — holosericeus, F. By sweeping, under stones, etc. ; local. Darenth Wood, Lee — asneus, L. Grassy places ; rare. Belve- dere, West Wickham, Birch Wood — metallicuSjPayk. By sweeping bracken, etc. ; sometimes on sallows ; rare. Darenth Wood — bipustulatus, L. In decaying willow ; also by sweeping. Tonbridge, Sand- wich Campylus linearis, L. By beating and sweeping in woods ; not rare Dascillid.^ Dascillus cervinus, L. In chalky places, on flowers ; local, and sometimes plentiful Helodes minuta, L. In damp places by sweeping ; also on sallows and alder ; local, but not rare Microcara livida, F. By sweeping ; also on hawthorn ; local. Chathatn, Sheer- ness, Lee, Darenth Wood Cyphon coarctatus, Payk. By sweeping in damp places ; rare. Snodland, Chattenden, Sheerness — nitidulus, Thorns. As the preced- ing ; rather common — variabilis, Thunb. As the preceding ; common — pallidulus. Boh. As the preceding ; rather common, but local. Lee, Chatham, Chattenden, Snodland, Sheer- — padi, L. As the preceding ; local. Lee, Chattenden, Snodland, Dover Prionocyphon serricornis. Mull. By sweep- ing ; also in decaying logs ; very rare. Darenth Wood, Birch Wood, Cobham Park Scirtes hemisphaericus, L. Marshy places ; on sallow and alder ; local. Tonbridge, Pegwell Bay, Deal — orbicularis, Panz. As the preceding ; very local and usually rare. Near Cltffe (in numbers), Gravesend, Sheer- ness^ Deal LycidjE Platycis minutus, F. In or on old stumps of fir and ash ; very rare. Cobham Park, Birch Wood, Darenth Wood, Ashford, Tunbridge Wells, Sandwich Lampyrid^e Lampyris noctiluca, L. On grassy and mossy banks ; the male often flies to light ; somewhat local, but more or less common Silis ruficollis, F. By sweeping; very rare ; a pair on rushes, Snodland, 20 June, 1895 (J. J. W.) Telephorid^e Podabrus alpinus, Payk. On various trees ; locally common. Darenth Wood Telephorus fuscus, L. By sweeping Umbel- liferas, etc. ; local. Gravesend, Snod- land, Chattenden, Dartford — rusticus. Fall. On flowers and shrubs ; common everywhere — lividus, L. On flowers and shrubs ; common everywhere var. dispar, F. Rare. Folkestone — pellucidus, F. On flowers and shrubs ; local. Darenth Wood, Chatham dis- trict, common — nigricans. Mull. On flowers in woods and lanes ; local. Darenth Wood, Chatham district var. discoideus, Steph. Not uncom- mon. Darenth Wood, Chatham dis- trict, Whitstahle, etc. — lituratus. Fall. Chiefly on Umbellifers ; rather common — figuratus,Mann. On hawthorn blossom. Chattenden and Snodland, not rare ; not however a common insect — bicolor, F. On flowers, oaks, etc. ; common — haemorrhoidalis, F. Chiefly on haw- thorn blossoms ; local. Rochester dis- trict, Darenth JVood, Lee — oralis. Germ. On flowers, etc., especially near the coast ; local. ^atAfj/^r dis- trict, Gravesend, Lee, Sheerness, Whit- stable, Deal — flavilabris, Fall. On flowers, etc. ; generally distributed and common — thoracicus, Ol. By sweeping in marshy places, on osiers, etc. ; very local. Sydenham, Belvedere, Tonbridge, Peg- well Bay, Dover Rhagonycha unicolor. Curt. By sweeping long grass in woods ; rare. Cobham Park, Snodland, Citxton, ^teendown Warren, Darenth JVood, Sevenoaks, Maidstone — fuscicornis, Ol. Chiefly on hawthorn blossoms in woods ; local, but not 155