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INSECTS Ptinid^ Ptinus germanus, F. In old posts ; rare. Orpington (Power) — sexpunctatus, Panz. In old wood ; sometimes in houses ; rare. Black- heath — fur, L. In old wood, often in houses ; far too common — subpilosus, Mull. In rotten wood and small carcases ; sometimes with ants ; very rare. Cohham Park, one ex- ample (J. J. W.) [ — pilosus. Mull. Said to have been taken at Chatham, but probably in error] Niptus hololeucus, Fald. In old houses, cupboards, etc. ; generally distri- buted Hedobia imperialis, L. In old hedges, some- times on the wing ; not common. Darenth Wood, JVcit JVickham, Coh- ham Park, Darland Hill, Faversham, Tonbridge, Deal Anobiid^ Dryophilus pusillus, Gyll. By sweeping under fir trees ; local and usually scarce. Darland Hill, Cohham Park, Birch Wood, Favenham — anobioides, Chev. In old stumps of broom, also bred from dead bramble sticks ; very rare. Plumstead, Maid- stone Priobium castaneum, F, In dead hedges, decayed hornbeam, old posts, etc. ; rather common Anobium denticolle, Panz. In old oak trees ; very rare. Erith, on an old fence (Power) — domesticum, Fourc. In old wood, in houses, old buildings, hedges, etc. ; only too common — fiilvicorne, Sturm. In dead hedges ; common — paniceum, L. A common introduced species, found in old flour, bread, biscuit and other stores Xestobium tessellatum. In old wood of willow and oak ; also in houses ; common and generally distributed Ernobius mollis, L. In old posts ; also under fir trees ; local. Sheerness, Cohham Park, Lee, Whitstahle Ptilinus pectinicornis, L. In old posts ; also in decaying oak, willow and hornbeam ; not uncommon Ochina hederse, MuU. In old ivy ; not uncommon Xyletinus ater, Panz. In decayed wood ; very rare. Charlton (Janson), Ton- bridge (Horner) Anobiid^ {continued) Coenocara bovistae, HofF. In Lycoperdons; rare. Beanted, Tonbridge, Deal Dorcatoma chrysomelina, Sturm. In de- ca}'ed oak trees ; very rare. Ton- bridge (Horner) — flavicornis, F. In fungi on trees ; very rare. Cohham Park, 1889 and 1895 (J- J- w.) BOSTRICHID^ Dinoderus substriatus, Payk. Very rare. Darenth Wood, one example (G. Lewis) Rhizopertha pusilla, F. An introduced species ; found in old stores, on walls of oil mills, etc. Lyctid^ Lyctus canaliculatus, F. On oak palings, under bark, etc. ; locally common — brunneus, Steph. On oak palings and in oak stumps ; very rare. Cohham Park, one specimen, July, 1889 (J. J. W.) Sphindid^ Sphindus dubius, Gyll. In powdery fungus on old wood ; rare. Cohham Park, Chatham Cis boleti, Scop. In boleti, especially Poly- pori, on the bark of rotten trees ; very common — villosulus, Marsh. In boleti, also under bark of willow ; locally common. Rochester district, Chatham, Graves- end, Darenth Wood — micans, Herbst. In boleti, etc. ; not common. Darland Hill, Chatham, Gravesend, Hawkhunt, West Wickham — hispidus, Payk. In boleti ; local. Hailing Downs (common), Chat- ham, Cuxton, Darenth Wood — bidentatus, Ol. In boleti ; not un- common — alni, Gyll. In boleti, also on old stumps ; local, and as a rule rare. Darenth IVood, Hawkhurst, Cohham Park (under dead boughs lying on the ground) — nitidus, Herbst. In boleti ; common — pygmaeus. Marsh. In boleti, on de- caying hornbeam and other trees. Cohham Park, not rare (J. J. W.) ; Tonbridge, as a rule rare — festivus, Panz. In boleti and dead bou2;hs ; rare. Cohham Park, Dar- land Hill, Whitstahle — fuscatus, Mell. In boleti ; very local ; bred in abundance from hard white fungus on oak. Cohham Park, 1896-7 (J. J. W.) 157