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A HISTORY OF KENT CaMPTosomata {continued) often connected with Formica rufa ; local. Lee, Wigmore Wood, Chatten- den, Whititable, etc. Cryptocephalus coryli, L. On young hazels in woods in June ; rare. Darenth JVood, Cobham Park ; taken in numbers in the latter locality in 1858, but not again found until 4 June, 1898, when Mr. Walker took a single specimen on hawthorn blossom — sexpunctatus, L. On young hazels and birches in woods in June ; rare. Darenth Wood, Cohham Park ; like the preceding, taken in numbers in 1858 in the latter locality by Dr. Power and others, but has not oc- curred since — bipunctatus, L., var. lineola, F. On young birch, hazel, oak, etc., in woods in June ; very local, ^een- down JVarren, abundant on stunted hazel ; Cuxton, Wigmore Wood, Darenth Wood, Birch Wood, Folkestone — aureolus, SufFr. On flowers, especially Hieracium ; common in June — hypochasridis, L. On flowers of Hieracium ; locally common. Roch- ester district, Darenth Wood, Dover, Folkestone — ochrostoma, Har. (nitidulus, Gyll.) On young birch and hazels ; scarce. Cobham Park, Darenth IVood — punctiger, Payk. As the preceding ; rare. Darenth Wood, Lee — parvulus. Mull, (fulcratus. Germ.). On young birches, etc. ; scarce. Darenth Wood, Birch Wood — moraei, L. By sweeping in chalky places ; very local. Cobham Park, Wigmore Wood, ^eendown IVarren, Betteshanger Park, Tonbridge — bilineatus, L. By sweeping ; very local. Lee, Whitstable, ^eendozvn Warren, Birchington, Folkestone — fulvus, Goeze (minutus, F.). By sweeping ; local, but not uncommon — pusillus, F. On young birches, etc., in woods ; local, but not uncommon in several localities — labiatus, L. On young birches, hazels, oaks, etc. ; common Cycuca Lamprosoma concolor, Sturm. By sweep- ing herbage, sometimes in moss ; local, but widely distributed Timarcha tenebricosa, F. In grassy places, on heaths, on Galium mollugo, etc. ; very common lCl.lCA [continued) Timarcha violaceonigra, De G. On Galium verum, on chalky hillsides and in meadows ; common Chrysomela marginalis, Duft. On the flowers of Linaria ; local but not uncommon — marginata, L. Sandy and grassy places ; rare. Pegwell Bay — banksi, F. Chalky and sandy places ; local. Dartford, Plumstead, Graves- end, Belvedere, Darenth and Birch Woods, Folkestone, Dover — staphylasa, L. By sweeping, also on grass ; common and generally dis- tributed — polita, L. As the preceding ; common everywhere — orichalcia, Mull. On Ballota nigra, etc. ; local and not common in the Rochester district near Cuxton ; not uncommon in some places. Plum- stead, Darenth Wood, Belvedere, Abbey Wood — haemoptera, L. On sandy coasts ; locally common. Sheppey, Pegwell Bay, Deal, Sandwich — varians, Schall. By sweeping ; local and somewhat rare. Wigmore Wood, Chattenden, Bredhurst, Chatham, Dar- enth JVood — goettingensis, L. Sandy and chalky places ; not common. Upnor, Darland Hill, Hailing Downs, Chat- ham, Beckenham, Darenth Wood, Sittingbourne, Chislehurst, Orpington, Belvedere, Ashford, Bromley, Folke- stone ; often occurs singly — graminis, L. Very local. Dover — menthrasti, Suffr. On Tanacetum vulgare and Mentha aquatica ; very local. Westerham, Kent, Dover, Folkestone — fastuosa, Scop. On Labiate, etc., also by beating hawthorn ; local. Dar- enth Wood, Deal, Dover — didymata, Scriba. In grassy places ; rare. Cuxton Doivns, Darenth Wood, Dover, Folkestone — hyperici, Forst. On Hypericum ; local, but not uncommon. Cuxton, Cobham Park, West Wickham, Sheer- ness, Darenth JVood Melasoma populi, L. On young poplars and sallows ; local. Folkestone, Dover — longicolle, Suffr. On sallows and aspens ; very local. Blackheath, Darenth Wood, Chattenden, Dover Phytodecta rufipes, De G. On hazels. j6o