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INSECTS CuRCULiONiD^ {continued) woods ; rare. Lee, Beamed near Maidstone, Hythe Polydrusus cervinus, L. On young trees, es- pecially oaks, birch and fir ; common and generally distributed — chrysomela, Ol. On Artemisia mari- tima, on the coast ; rare. Near Strood, Gravesend, Sheerness — confluens, Steph. On broom and furze ; very local, but not un- common where it occurs. Charlton, Plumstead, Gravesend, Bearsted Phyllobius oblongus, L. On elms and apple trees, also by beating hedges ; common and generally distributed — calcaratus, F. On alders, also on young trees in woods, etc. ; local. Lee, Darenth Wood — urticae, De G. On nettles ; very com- mon and generally distributed — pyrij L- On hawthorn, nettles, young trees in woods, etc. ; common and generally distributed — argentatus, L. On young birches, oaks, etc. ; very common — maculicornis. Germ. On young oaks, hazels, etc. ; local, but not un- common and widely distributed — pomonae, Ol. On young trees ; local but not uncommon — viridiaeris, Laich. (uniformis, Marsh.). Very abundant, and generally dis- tributed Tanymecus palliatus, F. On burdocks, thistles, nettles, etc. ; local. Darenth Wood, Chattenden Roughs (rather scarce), Chatham, Sheerness Philopedon geminatus, F. Sandy places on the coast. Deal, abundant, and probably common elsewhere Atactogenus exaratus, Marsh. On young trees, also by sweeping ; local, but very widely distributed Barynotus obscurus, F. At roots of grass, in moss, etc. ; rather common — elevatus, Marsh, (masrens auct nee F.). As the preceding ; local, and as a rule scarce. St. Mary Cray, Chisle- hurst, banks of Medway (in flood rubbish), Folkestone Alophus triguttatus, F. Sandy and chalky places, under stones, in moss, etc. ; not uncommon as a rule. Rochester district (rare), Chatham, Ranisgate, Dover, Folkestone Sitones griseus, F. Sandy places, at roots of Genistje, grass, etc. ; very local. Deal — cambricus, Steph. Marshy places, at CuRCULlONlD^ [continued) roots of grass, in moss, and by sweep- ing ; rare. Chattenden Roughs, Lee, Charlton, Plumstead, Hythe Sitones regensteinensis, Herbst. On broom and furze ; abundant everywhere — crinitus, Herbst. On broom, clover, peas, etc., often in sandpits ; com- mon and generally distributed — tibialis, Herbst. On broom, furze, clover, heath, etc. ; very common — brevicollis, Schon. Chattenden Roughs, etc. ; perhaps a variety of the pre- ceding — hispidulus, F. On clover ; very com- mon — humeralis, Steph. On clover, vetches, etc. ; common — meliloti, Walt. On Melilotus officin- alis ; very local. Frindsbury chalk pits (common), Chatham, Plumstead — flavescens, Marsh. By sweeping clover, in moss, etc. ; rather common and widely distributed — puncticoUis, Steph. On clover, vetches, etc. ; very common — suturalis, Steph. On vetches and other low plants ; rather local. Chatten- den, Heme Bay, Whitstable — ononidis. Sharp. On Ononis spinosa ; very local. Heme Bay, Whit- stable — lineatus, L. On clover, vetches, peas, etc. ; only too common ; often very injurious to peas — sulcifrons, Thunb. By sweeping clover, lucerne, vetch, etc. ; rather common and widely distributed Gronops lunatus, L. At roots of low plants, nearly always by the sea ; local. Blackheath, Deal, Dover Limobius dissimilis, Herbst. On Geranium pratense, also at roots of Geranium sanguineum ; rare. Darland Hill, Holly Hill, Boxley Warren, Chatham, Sandwich sandhills — mixtus, Boh. Sandy places ; on Erodium cicutarium ; very local. Deal sandhills (common), Dover Hypera punctata, F. On species of Tri- folium, in moss, etc. ; very common everywhere — fasiculata, Herbst. Sandy places near the sea, under Erodium cicutarium ; extremely local. Deal sandhills, Sandwich — rumicis, L. Marshy places, on docks ; common — pollux, F. On various Umbelliferap (Sium, etc.) ; local, but not un-