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A HISTORY OF KENT Camptogramma bilineata, L. Generally abun- dant — fluviata, Hb. Greenhithe, Eltham, Lee, Charlton, JVest IVickham, Folkestone Phibalapteryx tersata, Hb. Common on the chalk — polygrammata, Blc. Mr. Webb states that a specimen was taken at the mill pond, Dartford, in 1874 — lignata, Hb. Lee, Eltham, Dartford, Folke- stone — vitalbata, Hb. Charlton, Plumstead, Dart- ford, tVateringbury, Folhstone Scotosia dubitata, L. Chhlehunt, Lee, Eltham, Folkestone — vetulata, Schiff. Lewisham, Chlslehurst ; locally common — rhamnata,SchifF. Lewisham, Talding, Dart- ford, Folkestone — certata, Hb. Lee, Blackheath, Folkestone — undulata, L. Eltham, Dartford, Seal, Pem- bury, Tenterden Cidaria miata, L. Lee, Chattenden, Watering- bury, Talding, JFest fVickham ; rather scarce — psittacata, SchifF. Folkestone — picata, Hb. Sevenoaks, TFateringbury, Dart- ford, Pembtiry, Tenterden, Folkestone — corylata, Thnb. Generally common — sagittata, F. Near IFye, and one specimen at Dover in 1885, according to Mr. Webb — russata, Bork. Generally common — immanata, Haw. Generally distributed — sufFumata, Hb. Lee, Eltham, TVater- ingbury, Folkestone — silaceata, Hb. Bexley, Dartford, TVatering- bury, Talding, TVest TVickham, Folkestone — prunata, L. Deal ; often common — testata, L. Generally common — fulvata, Forst. „ „ — pyraliata, Fb. Generally distributed ; for- merly abundant — dotata, L. Generally common in gardens Pelurga comitata, L. Lee, Greenwich, Deal, TVest TVickham, Folkestone Eubolia cervinaria, SchifF. Lee, Eltham, TVater- ingbury, Talding, Deal, Folkestone — mensuraria, Schiff. Generally common — palumbaria, Bork. Deal, TVateringbury, Folkestone, Chattenden, Shoreham, TVest TVickham — bipunctaria, Schiff. Generally abundant on the chalk ; also at Eltham and Grove Park — lineolata, Hb. Deal, Sandwich ; abundant Anaitis plagiata, L. Generally common Chesias spartiata, Fuess. „ „ — obliquaria, Bork. Eltham, Abbey TVood, Erith, TT'ateringbury, Folkestone Tanagra chaeropyllata, L. Plumstead, Folke- stone, TVest TVickham DREPANULID^ Platypteryx lacertula, Schiff. Generally dis- tributed and not scarce — falcula, Schiff. Generally distributed and not scarce — hamula, Esp. Dartford, Lee, Chislehurst, Eltham, Chattenden, TVest TVickham, Folkestone — unguicula, Hb. Bexle, scarce ; TVater- ingbury, fairly comm on ; TP'est TVick- ham Cilix spinula, Schiff. Generally common PSEUDO-BOMBYCES Dicranura furcula, L. Lewisham, Greenhithe, TVateringbury, Folkestone ; scarce — bifida, Hb. Bexley, Charlton, Greenhithe, TVateringbury, Folkestone ; scarce — vinula, L. Generally common Stauropus fagi, L. Dartford, Bexley, Farn- borough, TVateringbury, TVest TVickham ; scarce Petasia cassinea, Hb. Chattenden, Eltham, Talding, TVateringbury Pygaera bucephala, L. Generally abundant Clostera curtula, L. Bromley, Bexley, Charl- ton, Greenhithe, TVest TVickham ; scarce — anachoreta, Fb. TValmer, Folkestone, Deal ; very local — reclusa, Fb. Common in some places ; TVateringbury, scarce Ptilophora plumigera, * Esp. Chattenden, TVrotham ; very rare Ptilodontis palpina, L. Lee, Eltham, Bexley, Talding, TVateringbury, Folkestone ; com- mon Notodonta camelina, L. Generally distributed and not scarce — cucullina,Hb.^ TVateringbury ; very scarce — carmelita, Esp. Dartford, Chislehurst, TVest TVickham, TVateringbury ; very scarce — dictsa, L. TVateringbury, Talding, Deal, Eltham, Lee, Greenhithe, TVest TVickham, Folkestone 1 This species is almost confined to Buckingham- shire, but Mr. Farn says he once took the perfect insect at Chattenden, and Mr. Goodwin says he found a larva at — H. G. 2 This species is almost confined to the neigh- bourhood of Halton in Buckinghamshire. With the exception of Mr. Goodwin's record for the neighbourhood of Wateringbury, I have no note of its occurrence in the United Kingdom out of Buckinghamshire ; but Mr. G. C. Barrett states it has been taken in several other counties, — H. G. 192