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A HISTORY OF KENT Bactra furfurana, Haw. Folkestone ; now al- most extinct Phoxopteryx siculana, Hb. West JVickham, Darenth, etc. — uncana, Hb. Chislehurst, Bex/ey, Seal, Tunhridge Wells, etc. — biarcuana, St. Darenth, Tunhridge Wells, etc. — inornatana, H.S. Darenth, Tunhridge Wells, etc. — comptana, Frol. Generally on chalk downs — myrtillana, Tr. Sevenoaks — lundana, Fb. Generally distributed — derasana, Hb. „ „ — diminutana, Haw. Chattenden, Eltham, Folkestone, Greenhithe, etc. — mitterbacheriana. Generally distributed — upupana, Tr., H.S. Tf^est Wickham, Chislehurst, Eltham, Darenth, etc. — lactana, Fb. Generally distributed Grapholitha ramella, L. „ „ — nisella, Clerck. „ „ • — • cinerana, Haw. Bexley, Folkestone, Darenth — nigromaculana, Haw. Generally dis- tributed — subocellana, Don. Generally distributed — minutana, Hb. Lee, Bexley, Blackheath, Eltham, etc. — trimaculana, Don., Wilk. Generally distributed — penkleriana, Fisch. Generally distributed — obtusana, Haw. Folkestone, Chattenden, Darenth, Eltham, Tunhridge Wells, etc. — nffivana, Hb. Generally distributed — geminana, St. Seal — cascana, Schl. Between Deal and Dover ; now apparently extinct according to Mr. Webb.— H. G. Phloeodes tetraquetrana, Haw. Generally distributed — immundana, Fisch. Generally distributed — demarniana, Fisch. Chislehurst, Darenth, Bexley, Swanscomhe, etc. Hypermecia angustana, Hb. Generally dis- tributed Batodes angustiorana. Haw. Generally dis- tributed Pasdisca bilunana, Haw. Generally distri- buted — oppressana,Tr. Eltham, Folkestone, Lee, etc. — ratzeburghiana. Seal, Stone — rubiginosana, H.S. Chislehurst, Seal — corticana, Hb. Generally distributed — profundana, Fb., Wilk. Generally dis- tributed — ophthalmicana, Hb. Bexley, Folkestone, Elihtim — occultana, Dougl. Chislehurst, Bexley — solandriana, L. Generally distributed — semifuscana, St. „ „ Ephippiphora similana, Hb. Generally dis- tributed — cirsiana, Zell. Chattenden, Forest Hill, West Wickham, Bexley, etc. — pflugiana, Haw. Generally distributed — brunnichiana, Frol. „ „ — inopiana, Haw. Chattenden, Folkestone, Darenth, Dover — fcenella, L., Wilk. Dartford, Bexley, Eltham, etc. — nigricostana, Haw. Generally distributed — signatana, Dougl. Folkestone, Dover, Chattenden — trigeminana, St. Generally distributed — tetragonana, St. Chattenden, Stone, Folke- stone — populana, Fb. Chislehurst, Folkestone, Darenth, Eltham — obscurana, St. West Wickham, Eltham, Bexley, Chattenden, Darenth Olindia ulmana, Hb. Seal, Folkestone Semasia spiniana, Fisch., Dup. Lee, West Wickham, Darenth, etc. — ianthinana, Dup. Generally distributed — rufillana, Wilk., Zell. „ — woeberiana, Schiff. „ „ Coccyx splendidulana, Gn. Generally dis- tributed — argyrana, Hb. Generally distributed — tasdella, Clerck, L. „ „ — nanana, Tr. Bexley, Sevenoaks Heusimene fimbriana, Haw. West Wickham, Chislehurst, etc. Retinia buoliana, SchifF. Generally distributed — pinicolana, Dbl. Tunhridge Wells, Bexley, West Wickham, etc. — turionana, Hb. West Wickham, Tun- hridge Jf^ells, Sevenoaks — pinivorana, Zell. Generally distributed — sylvestrana. Curt., Wilk. Bexley, West JVickham Carpocapsa splendidana, Hb. Generally dis- tributed — grossana. Haw. Bexley — pomonella, L. Generally distributed Opadia funebrana, Tr. In most gardens and plum orchards Endopisa nigricana, St. Generally distributed Stigmonota, Gn. ; ravulana, H.S. Folkestone — coniferana, Ratzb. Bexley, Chislehurst — leplastrierana, Curt. Deal, Folkestone, Dover, etc. — perlepidana. Haw. Chattenden, Darenth, Folkestone — internana, Gn. Blackheath, Chislehurst, Tunhridge TFells, etc. — compositella, Fb. Generally distributed — nitidana, Fb., Wilk. „ „ — trauniana, SchifF. Darenth, Plumstead, Bexley