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INSECTS TiNGlDlD/E (continued) Acalypta, West. — brunnea, Germ. Darenth Wood (Douglas and Scott) — parvula, Fall. Dover district, 'abun- dant' (Hall), Deal (Newbery), Whitstable (Butler), Bickley (Jen- nings), Dodington (Chitty) Dictyonota, Curt. — crassicornis, Fall. Eltham, Plumstead (Douglas and Scott), Deal (Hall), Dover (Newbery), Dodington (Chitty), Swalecliffe (Butler) — strichnocera, Fieb. Dartford Brent (Douglas and Scott), Blackheath (West) — fuliginosa, Costa. Plunutead (West), Maidstone (Elgar) Derephysia, Spin. — foliacea. Fall. Blackheath (West), Dover (Newbery), Heme Bay (But- ler), Dodington (Chitty), Bickley (Jennings) Monanthia, Lep. — ampliata, Fieb. Lee, Chidehurst (Doug- las and Scott), Chatham (Champion), Kidbrook (West) — cardui, Lin. Dover, Deal (Hall), Kid- brook (West), Swaleclife (Butler) — ciliata, Fieb. Dodington (Chitty) — costata, Fab. Tunbridge TVelh (Cham- pion), Folkestone (Rye), Margate, Deal (Billups), Chatham (West) — dumetorum, H.S. Lee (Douglas and Scott), Swalecliffe (Butler), Darenth (Champion) — simplex, H.S. Bexley (Scott), Folkestone, Darenth, Chatham (Champion) - — humuli. Fab. Lee (Douglas and Scott) ARADIDiE Aradus, Fab. — depressus, Fab. Bromley (Saunders), Darenth Wood (Marshall), Tonbridge (Blatch), Dodington (Chitty), Chat- ham, Sevenoaks (Champion) — corticalis, Lin. West Wickham (Doug- las and Scott) — aterrimus, D. & S. Darenth Wood (Douglas and Scott) Aneurus, Curt. — Isvis, Fab. Bromley (Saunders), Darenth Wood (Marshall), Chatham (Cham- pion) Hebrid^ Hebrus, Curt. — pusillus, Fall. Plumstead Marshes (Douglas and Scott) HYDROMETRIDiE Hydrometra, Latr. — stagnorum, Lin. Dover (Hall), Cat- ford (West), Tolehurst (Chitty) Hydrometrid^ [continued) Microvelia, West. — pygmaea, Duf. Plumstead Marshes (Douglas and Scott), Grove Park, Lee (West) Vclia, Latr. • — currens, Fab. Dover (Hall), Lee, Catford (West), Allington (Elgar) Gerris, Fab. — paludum, Fab. Eltham — najas, De G. Catford (West) — thoracica, Schum. Dover (Hall), Plum- stead Marshes (West), Sandwich (New- bery) — gibbifera, Schum. Lee, Catford (West) — lacustris, Lin. Lee, Catford (West), Swaleclife (Butler) — odontogaster, Zett. Lee (West), Folke- stone Warren (Newbery) — argentata, Schum. Catford (West) Reduviid^ Ploiaria, Scop. — vagabunda, Lin. Lee (Douglas and Scott), Blackheath (West), Swaleclife (Butler) Reduvius, Fab. — personatus, Lin. Deal, Dover (Hall), Maidstone, Boxley (Elgar) Coranus, Curt. — subapterus, De G. Deal (Douglas and Scott, etc.) Prostemma, Lap. — guttula, Fab. Sandwich, 1837 (Ken- nedy), Charlton (Janson) Nabis, Latr. — brevipennis, Hahn. Darenth (Mar- shall), Bromley (Saunders), Dover (Hall), Lee (West) — lativentris. Boh. Dover (Hall), Lee (West), Kingsdown (Newbery) — major. Cost. Dover (Hall), Lee, Lewis- ham, Kidbrook (West), Deal (New- bery), Swalecliffe (Butler) — flavomarginatus, Scholtz. Deal, Heme Bay (Saunders), Swalecliffe Marsh, Whitstable (Butler), Kidbrook (West) — limbatus, Dahlb. Dover (Hall), Kid- brook (West), Deal (Newbery), Swale- cliffe (Butler) — lineatus, Dahlb. Heme Bay (Saun- ders, etc.) — ferus, Lin. Dover (Hall), Kidbrook (West), Deal (Newbery), Swalecliffe (Butler) — rugosus, Lin. Dover (Hall), Lee, "Lewisham, Plumstead (West), Maid- stone (Elgar) — ericetorum, Scholtz. Dover (Hall), Plumstead (West) 217 28