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A HISTORY OF KENT Acocephalus albifrons, Linn. Blackheath ; very common under furze bushes ; IVhltstable (Butler) — brunneo-bifasciatus, GeofF. Kidbrooi, Blackheath ; with albifrons under furze bushes ; Catford ; abundant at roots of grass ; Heme Bay (Saunders) — histrionicus, Fab. Deal (Marshall) — flavostriatus, Don. Catford ; at roots of grass ; Heme Bay (Saunders) Eupelix cuspidata, Fab. Shooters Hill ; sweeping ; Deal (Marshall) Graphocroerusventralis, Fall. Grove Park, Lee ; sweeping in meadows ; Abbey Wood (Douglas and Scott) Doratura stylata, Boh. Greenwich ; at roots of grass ; Kidbrook, Lee ; sweep- ing Paramesus nervosus, Fall. Sandwich (Mar- shall), Heme Bay (Butler) Stictocoris preyssleri, H.S. Plumstead ; sweeping ; Heme Bay (Butler) • — flaveolus, Boh. Kidbrooi ; in damp places very common. This species is a recent addition to the British fauna (See E. M. M., January, 1902) Athysanus sordidus, Zett. Catford ; at roots of grass abundant ; Blackheath ; under furze bushes — grisescens, Zett. Shooters Hill; in damp places — communis, J. Sahl. Lee, Lewisham, Shooters Hill, Deal, on the sandhills, September ; Swalecliffe (Butler) — obscurellus, Kbm. Lee, Lewisham, and many other places ; sweeping — obsoletus, Kbm. Kidbrook, Shooters Hill, Lee ; Deal (Butler) Deltocephalus abdominalis, Fab. Elmers End ; sweeping along the roadsides — striifrons, Kbm. Heme Bay (Saunders) — pascuellus, Fall. Lewisham and dis- trict ; abundant — ocellaris, Fall. Plumstead Marshes, Lewisham, Greenwich, Lee ; abun- dant — coronifer. Marsh. Blackheath ; under furze bushes — repletus, Fieb. Shooters Hill Wood ; sweeping — flori, Fieb. Shooters Hill Wood ; sweep- ing — distinguendus, Flor. Shooters Hill; sweeping — striatus, Linn. Blackheath and district ; abundant — punctum, Flor. Plumstead — argus, Marsh. Wickham JVood ; sweep- ing in open spaces Deltocephalus pulicaris. Fall. Kidbrook, Catford, Shooters Hill, Grove Park, Lee Allygus commutatus, Fieb. Abbey Wood ; beating wych elm ; Tunbridge Wells (Saunders) — modestus, Fieb. Grove Park, Lee, Blackheath ; on fences during stormy weather — mixtus, Fab. Lee, Lewisham ; on oaks Thamnotettix prasina. Fall. Abbey Wood ; beating — dilutior, Kbm. On oaks ; Wickham Wood — subfuscula, Fall. Grove Park, Lee, on oak and hazel ; Wickham Wood, on hazel — variegata, Kbm. Plumstead Marsh ; sweeping — splendidula, Fab. Blackheath ; beating ivy — crocea, H.S. Blackheath, Lee, Plumstead Limottetix 4-notata, Fab. Lee, Kidbrook, Shooters Hill — sulphurella, Zett. Grove Park, Lee, Lewisham, Brockley Cicadula variata. Fall. Wickham Wood — sexnotata, Fall. Lewisham, Brockley Alebra albostriella, Fall. The three varie- ties fairly represented in the Black- heath district Dicraneura citrinella, Zett. Wickham Wood; Deal {M?irshz) — pygmaea, Dougl. Darenth Wood (Douglas) — variata. Hardy. Shooters Hill ; sweep- ing near furze bushes K}'bos smaragdula, Fall. Blackheath, Lee, Lewisham ; on sallows, poplars, and alder Chlorita viridula. Fall. Kidbrook, Lewis- ham ; August sweeping and beating Eupteryx notatus, Curt. Folkestone Warren (Douglas) — urticae, Fab. Blackheath, Lewisham district ; common on nettles — stachydearum, Hardy. Lewisham (Douglas) — melissae, Curt. Lee ; sweeping low plants — auratus, Liv. Blackheath, Lewisham, and several other places ; on nettles — atropunctatus, Goeze. Greenwich, Cat- ford ; in gardens on a variety of plants — abrotani, Dougl. Lewisham (Douglas) — germari, Zett. TFest IVickham, Bostol IVood, Plumstead ; on pines — pulchellus. Fall. Blackheath, Abbey Wood, West Wickham ; very com- mon on oaks