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A HISTORY OF KENT papillae.' The generic name signifies 'polished skin'. Cylherura striata, Sars, one of the commonest of its genus, ' occurring in tidal pools, as well as in all depths of water round the British coasts, and ex- tending commonly into the estuaries of rivers on the east coast of Eng- land,' ' is specially reported from Girdler Sand ; C. similis, Sars, is recorded under the synonym C. propinqua by Brady and Robertson from the Thames Estuary ; ^ C producta, Brady, one of the less common species, is reported by Brady and Norman from the Thames and Dungeness Bay,^ and by the same authors their C. simplex from the ' Thames Estuary, 7 fathoms.' ' As to the genus Cytherura Brady says that its species are the smallest of all the Ostracoda. Bythocythere recta (Brady) has been obtained by Dr. Brady in Dungeness Bay.° Sclerochilus contortus (Nor- man) was found by Davison at Margate and ' in shell sand, Girdler Sand.' In this genus the elongated valves are ' very hard, especially towards the margins,' thus accounting for the generic title ' hard-lip.' Dr. Brady in 1868 says, 'in outward appearance the one species belonging to this genus is scarcely separable from the following [Paradoxostoma) ; but the structure of the animal shows an apparent transition from the Cythere type to that of Paradoxostoma. This is more especially evident in the mandibles and mouth.' On the other hand in 1889 Brady and Norman separate from the Cytheridae a new family Paradoxostomatidae for species which among other characters have the valves thin, fragile, smooth, imperfectly closed in front, and the mandibles stiliform." G. O. Sars (1891), however, and G. W. Muller (1894) think the additional family unnecessary, or only to be accepted with modifications as a subfamily of the Cytheridae. Paradoxostoma variabile (Baird), reported from Dover by Baird' and obtained from Girdler Sand, Thames, by Davison, is exposed to some doubt by the remark of Dr. G. W. Muller that P. variabile is obviously a collective name for numerous species, some of which can only be distinguished by minute anatomical details.' P. abbrrviatum, Sars, P. enstforme, Brady, and P. Jlexuosum, Brady, have all been obtained from Girdler Sand, and the last also from Dungeness Bay." For the Copepoda of the county the authorities are not very numerous. Among those who have published results of their re- searches, the foremost is Mr. Lubbock (Lord Avebury), who in 1863 records seven species of Cyclops from Kentish ponds. As to the family in general, he says : ' Considering that they are among the commonest inhabitants of our fresh waters, that probably there is not a weedy pond in the country which does not contain two or three species, it is somewhat remarkable that the genus should have been so completely

  • Transactions Roy. Dublin Society, ser. 2, iv. 196.

« Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 4, v. 25 (1870). 3 Transactions Royal Dublin Society, ser. 2, iv. 199.

  • Loc. cit. p. 201. * Loc. cit. p. 222. * Loc. cit. p. 67.

' British Entomostraca, 170. 8 Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, Ostracoden, 313 (1894).

  • Transactions Roy. Dublin Society, iv. ser. 2, 237.