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A HISTORY OF KENT 35. Dragonet. CaUionymus lyra, Linn. 36. Butterfly Blenny. Blennius ocellaris, Linn. ' Has more than once been detected by Mr. E. Horsnaill at Dover ' according to Mr. Sydney Webb. 37. Butter-fish. Centronotus gunellus, Linn. 38. Viviparous Blenny. Zoarces viviparus, Linn. 39. Angler or Fishing frog. Lophius fisca- torius, Linn. Occasionally captured at Dover. ANACANTHINI 40. Cod. Gadus morrhua, Linn. 41. Haddock. Gadus csglefinus, Linn. 42. Bib or Pont. Gadus luscus, Linn. 43. Power. Gadus minutus, Linn. 44. Coal-fish. Gadus virens, Linn. 45. Whiting. Gadus merlangus, Linn. 46. Pollack. Gadus pollachius, Linn. 47. Hake. Merluccius vulgaris, Cuv. 48. Fork-beard. Phycis blennioides, Bl. Sch. 49. Lesser Fork-beard. Raniceps raninus, Linn. 50. Ling. Molva vulgaris, Flem. 51. Five-bearded Rockling. Motella mustela, Linn. 52. Three-bearded Rockling. Motella tricir- rata, Bl. PLEURONECTOIDEI 53. Halibut. Hippoglossus vulgaris, Flem. 54. Turbot. Rhombus maximus, Linn. 55. Brill. Rhombus lavis, Linn. 56. Common Topknot. Zeugopterus punc- tatus, Bl. 57. Plaice. Pleuronectes platessa, Linn. 58. Lemon Dab. Pleuronectes microcefhalus, Donov. 59. Dab. Pleuronectes limanda, Linn. •*6o. Flounder. Pleuronectes flesus, Linn. 61. Pole or Long flounder. Pleuronectes cyno- glossus, Linn. 62. Sole. Solea vulgaris, Quens. The Dover or Kingsdown Soles, it may be observed, command the highest prices on the London market. 63. Thickback. Solea variegata, Donov. 64. Solenette. Solea lutea, Risso. PLECTOGNATHI 65. File-fish. Balistes capriscus, Linn. A single specimen was captured near Folke- stone in 1884. 66. Sun-fish. Orthagoriscus mola, Linn. PERCESOCES

    • 6j. Thin-lipped Grey Mullet. Mugil cap-

ito, Cuv.

    • 68. Thick-lipped Grey Mullet. Mugit

chelo, Cuv. 69. Atherine. Atherina presbyter, Jen. Stated by Day to be absent from Kent, but reported from Dover by Mr. Sydney Webb, and from the Thames Estuary by Dr. Murie. 70. Larger Launce or Sand Eel. Ammodytes lanceolatus, Lesauv. 71. Lesser Launce. Ammodytes tobianus, Linn. 72. Garfish. Belone vulgaris, Flem. 73. Flying Fish. Exocoetus volitans, Linn. Murie records the capture of an example in the Medway at Rochester, in September 1898. HEMIBRANCHH ••74. Three-spined Stickleback. Gastrosteus aculeatus, Linn. •75. Ten-spined Stickleback. Gastrosteus pungitius, Linn. 76. Fifteen-spined Stickleback. Gastrosteus spinachia, Linn. SELENICHTHYES 77. Opah or Moon-fish. Lampris tuna, Linn. Of exceptional occurrence. LOPHOBRANCHH 78. Broad-nosed Pipe-fish. Siphonostoma typhle, Linn. 79. Greater Pipe-fish. Syngnathus acus, Linn. 80. Snake Pipe-fish. Nerophis esquoreus, Linn. 81. Straight-nosed Pipe-fish. Nerophis ophi- dian, Linn. 82. Sea-horse. Hippocampus antiquorum. Leach. Frequently taken along the Sandwich Flats. 264