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AND REPTILES BATRACHIANS The Reptile fauna of this county is an extremely poor one, only the species generally distributed over England being on record. The Sand Lizard {Lacej-ta agiiis) and the Smooth Snake (Coronella austriaca), which occur in some localities in Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire and Dorsetshire, are absent, and the more widely distributed Palmated Newt [Molge palmatd) has not been observed in Kent, although no doubt it will be found some day. We must therefore content ourselves, at present, with the meagre list of 4 reptiles and 5 batrachians. The Natter-jack Toad {Bufo calamitd) which appears on the list, occurred in days gone by on Blackheath, and according to Mr. Sydney Webb is still found near Dover, but not in abundance. REPTILES 1. Common Lizard. Lacerta vivipara, 3. Common or Ringed Snake. Troptdonotus Jacq. natrix, Linn. 2. Slow-worm. Anguis fragilis, Linn. 4. Viper or Adder. Vipera berus, Linn. BATRACHIANS 1. Common Frog. Rana Umporaria, Linn. 4. Great crested Newt. Molge cristatajhiUT. 2. Common Toad. Bufo vulgaris, Laur. 5. Common Newt. Molge vulgaris, Linn. 3. Natter-jack Toad. Bufo calamita, Laur. {Triton punctatus, Latr.). 266