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BIRDS 1884 a party of four appeared in Romncy Marsh. One of these was shot (Thomas Parkin, Zool. 1884, p. 469). Another ex- ample, obtained near Cranbrook in March 1893 and now in my collection, was pre- served by Mr. Springett of Cranbrook. 158. Mallard or Wild Duck. Ajias hoicas, Linn. A resident, breeding in our marshes. In severe winters the inland ponds and streams are visited by migrants. Many are kept in semi-captivity on the large estates in the county. In February 1889 an albino speci- men was obtained at Stourmouth, and on 10 January 1900 Mr. Springett of Cranbrook received from Sandhurst, Kent, a hybrid be- between this species and the pintail duck. 159. Gadwall. Anas strepera^ Linn. Locally, Bastard. A rare winter visitor to Kent. On 22 February 1845 an adult male was shot in Romney Marsh {Zool. p. 1025). It has also occurred at Sandwich (Boys' List). In De- cember 1896 an adult female was obtained near the Fleet Pond, Rye, and is now in my collection. 160. Shoveler. Spatula clypeata (Linn.) Locally, Spoonbill. Scarce and generally observed in winter. In the Maidstone Museum there are a pair of shovelers from Gillingham, and in the Plom- ley collection two male birds from Lydd. This duck has lately been discovered breed- ing in Romney Marsh (Ticehurst, Zool. 1900, p. 279). Yarrell stated that this locality was formerly a breeding haunt. 161. Pintail. Dafila acuta (Linn.) A regular winter visitor. During a severe winter it is met with in considerable numbers near Lydd and on the salt marshes about the Medway. 162. Teal. Nettion crecca (Linn.) Found in winter on our marshes, but in- land it is less numerous. I have only three records from the Cranbrook district. It occurs every year on the Eden, and some pairs breed annually about the ponds and petts on the Sussex border. At the end of September small ' bunches ' of teal in com- pany with wigeon arrive on the sheltered ponds that lie back from our shore line. 163. Garganey. ^erquedula circia (Linn.) A rare spring migrant. In May 1900 two nests of this species were found in Rom- ney Marsh by Mr. N. F. Ticehurst of St. Leonards [Zool. 1900, p. 279). In the Plomley collection there are three speci- mens obtained from Lydd in March 1840. There is another from the same locality in the house of Mr. Southerden, Jury's Gap, Lydd. Mr. Southerden tells me that ten years ago this duck came regularly to the Lydd' beach every spring. There is hardly any doubt that it bred in the neighbourhood in those times, as it has been found to do so 1 64. Wigeon. Mareca penelope (Linn.) Locally, Frosted Duck, Cock-winder. Common in the vicinity of the coast, but inland its occurrence is unusual. At the end of September individuals, chiefly immature birds, begin to come in to our marsh pools and brackish waters, followed by greater numbers at the fall of the year according to the severity of the weather. 165. Pochard. Fuligula ferlna (Linn.) Locally, Snuffle-headed Wigeon. Only occasionally met with now during hard winters. Formerly this duck was plenti- ful about the Lydd ' petts ' and Romney Marsh. Some ten years ago, when the Southerden brothers carried on a trade in their duck-shooting, the pochard was well represented in their ' bags.' 166. Tufted Duck. Fuligula cristata { Locally, Least Wigeon. Found in our creeks and marshes in the winter. Not uncommon. It has been obtained at Sheerness (Maidstone Museum), at Rainham (Prentis), Stourmouth (Dowker) and Lydd (Plomley). 167. Scaup-Duck. Fuligula marila (Linn.) Locally, Sea-Wigeon. Met with in winter on our salt marshes and at the mouths of our estuaries. It has been obtained at Stourmouth (Dowker), on the Lower and Upper Medway (Meade Waldo), and at Farleigh (Maidstone Museum), also at Rainham (Prentis). 168. Goldeneye. Clangula glaucion (Linn.) Locally, Spectacle Duck. By no means common. Young birds and adult females are sometimes obtained in winter on inland ponds and sheltered por- tions of our rivers. I have two adult females in my collection — one shot at Sittingbourne by Captain Moore, R.N., in March 1894; and the other from Biddenden 30 November 291