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EARLY MAN able thickness, which Sir John Evans pronounces to be of undoubtedly Gaulish type. In conclusion, attention may be called to the diffusion of the coins of two of the kings of the Kentish district. Those of Eppillus have been recorded from Ash-next-Sandwich, Aylesford, Bapchild, Birchington, Margate, and Sittingbourne ; whilst those of Dubnovel- launus have been found at Boughton Monchelsea, Canterbury, Frinds- bury, Gravesend, and Ramsgate. Barrows and Tumuli The following list of barrows and tumuli in Kent includes remains which may very possibly be of post-Roman as well as pre-Roman date. As only a comparatively small proportion have been excavated and examined it is impossible to make any satisfactory classification, and it has been considered more convenient, therefore, to include in this list, as far as possible, all Kentish barrows and tumuli.* Aldington. — A large tumulus known as Aldington Knoll, and another mound called Roman Beacon. Appledore. — On the high land about half a mile north of the town is a much mutilated tump of earth, marked on maps Mill Hill. Though a windmill may have occupied the summit it is not likely that it was necessary to throw up earth for such a building, and we must consequently include the mount among the tumuli of Kent. Barham. — There is a very large number, estimated by some at over 300, of barrows on Barham Downs and Breach Downs. [See Hasted's Hist, of Kent, iii. 752-53.] BisHOPSBOURNE. — Large tumulus, said to contain stone cists, in Gorsley Wood. Blackheath. — Two tumuli, known as (i) Mortar Mount, and (2) Jack Cade's Mount. Bridge. — Three tumuli in Gorsley Wood. Chartham. — Numerous barrows (possibly Anglo-Saxon) on Chartham Downs, now ploughed up. Darenth. — Two tumuli at Green Street Green. Dartford. — Numerous tumuli on Dartford Heath ; also one tumulus in Joyden's Wood. Eastry. — Two tumuli to the east of earthwork at Shingleton. Erith. — Tumulus in Abbey Wood, also another to the south of West Heath and Lesness Park. EwELL. — Tumulus. Eythorne. — Large barrow or tumulus near Eythorne Court. Greenwich Park. — About 30 tumuli. GusTON. — One tumulus on Famine Down ; site of another to the east of Guston. Houghton. — Tumulus on Whinless Down. Kingston. — Numerous tumuli. Lee. — There is a large tumulus in the grounds of The Cedars. LiTTLEBOURNE. — Two tumuli in Fishpoolhill Wood. Lyminge. — Tumulus to the north of Brockman's Bushes. MiNSTER (Sheppey). — Tumulus near Borstal Lodge. Newington-next-Hythe. — Tumulus. RiNGWouLD. — Sepulchral tumuli on Free Down. River. — Several tumuli on a hill on north side of the London Road. St. Margaret-at-Cliffe.— Tumulus on Bay Hill. St. Peter's, Thanet. — Two barrows near North Foreland, popularly known as Hackedon Banks. Saltw^ood. — Tumulus. Snodland. — Remains of a large barrow close by the hamlet of Holborough. Southfleet. — Tumulus. Stockbury. — Tumulus close to South Street. Stowting. — Tumulus on Swinyard Hill. 1 Partly from iaformation supplied by Mr. L Chalkley Gould, F.S.A. 331