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EARLY MAN Bronze Age remains _Arch. Cant, xviii. i et seq., also xxii. 51]. British coinof Dubno- vellaunus [Evans, Coins, 204]. Reculver. — Numerous palseolithic implements found on the sea-shore here [Evans, Stone Imp. 613-17, 642, etc.]. Some of these are in the Jermyn Street Museum, London. Neolithic flakes [Evans, Sto7ie Imp. 283]. (See also Heme Bay.) British coins, uninscribed and of Tasciovanus, CunobeHnus, and Addedomaros [Evans, Coins, 87, 98, 234, 304, 371, 462]. RicHBOROUGH. — British coins, uninscribed of silver and copper, and one of Verica [Evans, Coins, 112, 181, 469, 476]. Ryarsh. — Uninscribed gold coins [Evans, Coins, 62, 64]. St. Mary, Hundred of Hoo. — Palaeolithic implement [Evans, Stone Imp. 611]. Saltwood. — Hoard of bronze objects found at Haynes Hill [Evans, Bronze Imp. 297, 305, 403, 467 ; Arch. Journ. xxx. 279 ; Journ. Anthrop. Inst. iii. 230]. Sandwich. — Uninscribed British gold coin [Evans, Coins, 95]. Uninscribed British gold coin, similar to that figured by Evans in Plate A No. 4 [Min. Soc. Antiq. viii. 369, 3 Dec. 1761]. Seal. — Palaeolithic implement [Evans, Stone Imp. 608]. Selling. — Small palseolithic implement [Evans, Stone Imp. 612]. Sevenoaks. — British coin of Tasciovanus [Evans, Coins, 232]. Shoreham. — Palaeolithic implements [Evans, Stone Imp. 605, 608]. Neolithic hoe [Evans, Stone Imp. 71]. Shorne. — Bronze Age (.?) interments ^Arch. Cant. xxiv. 86]. British coins of Tasciovanus [Evans, Coins, 229]. Sissinghurst. — Gold finger ring [Arch. Cant. ix. 12]. SiTTiNGBOURNE. — NeoHthic arrow-heads, etc. [Evans, Stone Imp. zj(). Bronze Age hoard in urns, and Bronze Age grave containing a bronze knife-dagger [Evans, Bronze Imp. 113 ; Coll. Antiq. i. loi ; Arch. Journ. ii. 81 ; Arch. Cant. x. 29. British coin of Eppillus [Evans, Coins, 190] ; Proc. Soc. Antiq. (Ser. 2), x. 29-30]. SouTHFLEET. — British uninscribed copper coins [Evans, Coins, ^j6, 478]. Speldhurst. — Uninscribed British gold coin [Evans, Coins, 50]. Stoke. — Palseolithic implements [Evans, Stone Imp. 61 1]. Strood. — British uninscribed gold coin [Evans, Coins, 433]. Bronze bracelets and carvings in jet [Min. Soc. Antiq. 7 March, 1839]. Sutton Valence. — British uninscribed gold coin [Evans, Coins, 51]. Swalecliffe. — Paleolithic flake found on beach [Evans, Stone Imp. 617]. Svi'ANscoMBE. — Numerous palseolithic implements [Evans, Stone Imp. 607, etc.]. British uninscribed gold coin [Evans, Coins, 51]. Teynham. — Palaeolithic implement (large) [Evans, Stone Imp. 61 1]. Neolithic implements. Thames, River. — Bronze leaf-shaped sword-blade found off Greenwich [Evans, Bronze Imp. 284 ; Arch. Journ. iii. 230]. Circular bronze shield with 26 concentric rings of studs and a leaf-shaped bronze sword, found off Woolwich [Evans, Brotize Imp. 351]. Thanet, Isle of. — British uninscribed gold and silver coins [Evans, Coins, 52, iii]. Tonbridge. — Neolithic scrapers [Evans, Stone Imp. 309]. Trottiscliffe. — Important megalithic remains, probably of the Neolithic Age, at Coldrum. (Arch. Cant. xiii. 16, etc.) Uninscribed gold coin [Evans, Coins, 436]. Tunstall. — British coins of CunobeHnus [Arch. Cant. ix. 299 ; Evans, Coins, 558, 559]. Wateringbury. — Socketed bronze celt, now in the British Museum [Evans, Bronze Imp. 109]. Westerham. — British coin of CunobeHnus [Evans, Coitis, 560]. Westgate. — British uninscribed gold and copper coins, one of CunobeHnus [Evans, Coins, 86, 95, 325]. West Malling. — Palaeolithic implements found in gravel there [Evans, Stone Imp. 610]. British uninscribed gold coins, and one of Tasciovanus [Evans, Coins, 435, 535, 536]. West Wickham. — Numerous palaeolithic implements [Arch. Cant. xiv. 85 ; Arch. Cant. xv. 100-102 ; Evans, Stone Imp. 604, etc.]. Numerous neoHthic implements, and some hut-circles [Proc Soc. Antiq. (Ser. 2), xi. 161-66, and xii. 258-64 ; Evans, Stone Imp. 248 295, 310, 334, 604]. Whitstable. — Palaeolithic implement found at Studhill [Evans, Stotie Imp. 617]. Willesborough. — British uninscribed gold coin [Evans, Coins, 434]. Wingham. — British coin of Tasciovanus [Evans, Coins, 540]. Worth. — British uninscribed gold coin [Evans, Coins, 439]. • Wye. — Flanged bronze celt found on ^yt Down [Evans, Bronze Imp. 52J. I 337 43