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ANGLO-SAXON REMAINS Westwell. — Objects found during 1858 included fragments of large bronze bowl, in Thurston collection [Jrch. Cant. i. 43, 47]. Whiteheath, Hollingbourne. — Sixty-five glass beads found near Anglo-Saxon weapons and skeletons, 1847 [Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc, iii. 248, 323]. Wickhambreux. — 5^1? p. 356. Swords and shield-bosses in collection of Mr. Geo. M. Arnold, F.S.A. WiNGHAM. — See p. 356. WooDNESBOROUGH. — See p. 352. Jug of coarse bluish pottery, of Prankish type, 8 inches high, found in sand-pit behind the Oak Inn, with circular jewelled brooch : formerly in Rolfe Collection [Coll. Ant. ii. 220, pi. Iii. fig. 4]. About 1514 a fine gold coin weighing about 12 shillings was found in Ringleton Field. It had a loop of the same material, and on one side the figure of a young man in armour (bust of an emperor, probably of fifth century), with spear over right shoulder : on the reverse, a figure of Victory with sword in hand point downwards (probably a cross) [Hasted's Kent, x. (8vo) 124]. The coin was evidently a solidus, weighing 60-70 grains. Wye. — Grave discovered in 1858 at foot of the hill on the Dover road, about one mile from Wye, containing a male skeleton, shield-boss, sword, glass cup and smaller objects [Gent. Mag. 1858, ii. 65]. A spear-head is mentioned in Arch. Cant. i. 47. Wye and Crundale Downs. — See p. 368. Four gold pendants of different patterns (one of bracteate character), carbuncle setting, parts of silver brooch, iron knife and spear-head ; also a glass cup with a blue thread in loops : British Museum [Proc. Soc. Antiq. xiv. 314].