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A HISTORY OF KENT on the plan between the mount and bailey, now (a.d. 1905) occupied by soldiers' quarters, being taken up with the complete ditches to the mount and bailey, a rampart being thus formed between the two. The space shown on the plan on the south immediately above the cliffs is undu- lating by nature and slopes downward towards the south, south-east and south-west ; it has of late been levelled in places for the erection of f/iA/"0/»ce'*'^^^^ I Dover Castli (Plan of Norman Defences). buildings, but does not appear to have formed an enclosure in early days. The great central works, apart from their own individual en- trenchments, were defended by one deep ditch and inner rampart beginning and ending at the cliffs, and upon this rampart stands a wall of masonry of various dates : upon the north-west the inner bank is wanting, and the original state of the space between the bailey and the 414