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GEOLOGY I. Dover Colliery, Shakspere Cliff ' Formation Thicknei / Grey Chalk and Chalk Marl tCault i Lower Greensand Weald Clay Hastings Beds (Kimeridge Clay Corallian Beds (including 12 feet of oolitic iron-ore)* Oxford Clay Great Oolite Series Lias Coal Measures, with eight workable coal seams having an aggregate thickness of 1 6 ft. of coal Total depth of boring . . . IL Brabourne Boring, 5 miles east of Ashford ^ System Formation Thickni Upper Cretaceous . Gault Lower Greensand and Atherfield Clay. . . Weald Clay Hastings Beds Portland Oolite Kimeridge Clay Corallian Beds ». Oxford Clay Great Oolite Series r Middle Lias

Lower Lias 

Triassic Conglomerates Palaeozoic Rock, exact age unknown * . . . Total . . . in. RoPERsoLE Boring, 8 miles north-west of Dover System Upper Cretaceous Lower Cretaceous Upper Jurassic . Middle Jurassic Lower Jurassic . Upper Carboniferous Lower Cretaceous Upper Jurassic . Middle Jurassic . Lower Jurassic . Trias . . . Palaeozoic . . System Upper Cretaceous . Lower Cretaceous . Upper Jurassic . Middle Jurassic . Lower Jurassic . Upper Carboniferous Formation Thi Upper Chalk Middle Chalk Lower Grey Chalk Glauconitic Marl Gault I Lower Greensand i Atherfield Clay ( Purbeck-Wealden Beds I Kimeridge Clay (?) I Corallian Beds [ Oxfordian and Callovian Beds . . . . Bathonian Beds (Great Oolite Series) . . JUpperLias(?) t Middle Lias Coal Measures, with two thin coal seams. Total . . I in feet 182 613 2,314

ft. in.

72 6 231 198 206 6 14 242 305 243 189 I 74 8 98 I 48 4 88 5 2,010 7 ii» 220 16 119 51 21 55 10 157 142 164 3 24 9 192 10 ,773 7 > From summary published by R. Etheridge in Report Bntish Assoc, for 1899, p. 733. See also, for full details of section, Prof. Boyd Dawkins in paper above cited ; and F. Brady, G. P. Simpson, and N. R. Griffith, Tram. Fed. Inst, of Mining Engineers (1895-6), xi. 540. 2 W. B. Dawkins, Rep. British Assoc. Oxford (1894), p. 648. » From record published by R. Etheridge in Report British Assoc, for 1899, p. 733.

  • In Prof. Boyd Dawkins' opinion ' probably Devonian,' and therefore older than Carboniferous.

See ibid. p. 736. 6 From record published by Prof Boyd Dawkins, ibid. p. 735. The boring was not then completed, but no further details have been published (July 1902). 27