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BOTANY Class V.— CRYPTOGAMIA CELLULARIA {cont.) Sub-Class — Muscine^ {continued) Order — Mtisci (continued) Sub-order IX. — Tortulaces Acaulon muticum (Schreb.), C. Mull. 59. Maghull; Skirby ; Walton; Wheldon. Nr. Blackky ; Buxton's G.

  • — mediterraneum, Limpr. 60. Muddy

bank nr. Bispham ; H. Beesley Pottia recta, Mitt. 59. Manchester; Hunt. 60. Nr. Garstang; A. Wilson. Nr. Camforih : Siherdale ; + ; W. and W. — Heimii (Hedw.), FUrnr. 59. Southport ; Marrat. Nr. Warrington; W.Wilson. Hightown; -- ; Wheldon. 60. Fre- quent along the coast ; W. and W. Lytham; Yates, Wheldon. -)-; Wh. — intermedia, FUrnr. 59. 60. and f. lit- toralis (Mitt.), W. and W. — Wilsoni, B. and S. 59. Southport ; Wild, 1876 — minutula, Ftlrnr. 59. Very frequent, Walton; Aintree ; + ; Wheldon. 60. Caton ; -f- ; Wheldon. Tunbrook Wood; H. Beesley. Chipping; A. Wilson — lanceolata, FUmr. 60. Nr. Siherdale ; A. Wilson Tortula pusilla (Hedw.), Mitt. 59. Between Broadgreen and Roby ; Harrison — rigida, Schrad. 59. Blackburn ; Burnley ; Hunt. Nr. Maghull; Wheldon — ambigua, Angstr. 60. Garstang ; -f- ; A. WUson. Scorton ; H. Beesley — aloides, De Not. 59. Blackburn; Hunt. Walton ; Wheldon. Burnley ; Schole- field. 60. Lytham ; Wheldon. -|- . W. and W. — mutica, Lindb. 59. Mitton ; Clitheroe ; Chatbum ; Wheldon. 60. Nr. Stony- hurst ; nr. Lancaster; nr. Kirkby Lonsdale ; + ; W. and W. — ruralis, Ehrh. 60. Siherdale ; nr. White- well ; Wheldon. 'Rare'

  • — ruraliformis, Dixon. (T. ruralis var.

arenicola, Braithw.) 59. Southport; Hunt. Frequent from Crosby to Southport; Wheldon. 60. Abundant on the sand-hills ; Wheldon — papillosa, Wils. 60. ' Very rare.' Siher- dale ; Nowell. Nr. Heysham ; Whel- don Barbula lurida, Lindb. 60. ' Rare,' Caton ; + ; Wheldon — spadicea, Mitt. e^<). Pendle Hill ;'WiAd,on. 60. Preston ; Ease Gill; + ; W. and W. — recurvifolia, Schimp. 60. Siherdale ; + ; W. and W. — cylindrica, Schimp. 59. Chatburn ;'Wve[- don. 60. -I-. W. and W.

  • — vinealis, Brid. 59. Southport; Marrat.

Walton ; + ; Wheldon. 60. Most frequent on the sandhill ; -j- . W. and W. — sinuosa, Braithw. 60. Siherdale ; Whel- don Class V.— CRYPTOGAMIA CELLULARIA {cont.) Sub-Class — Muscine^ {continued) Order — Musci (continued) Sub-Order IX.—TortuIacese {cont.) Barbula Hornschuchiana, Schultz. 59. Netti- ton ; W. Wilson. Burnley ; Dearden. Southport ; Wheldon. 60. Thrang End ; nr. Blackpool; W. and W. St. Jnneh ; Wheldon — revoluta, Brid. 59. Childwall ; Harrison. Clifton ; Hough End Hall ; Buxton's G. Leptodontium flexifolium (Dicks), Hampe. 59. Manchester ; Hobson. 60. Nr. Lancaster; Holt. Grey garth Fell; W. andW. -I-. CAa^/w; Wheldon Weisia crispata, C. Mull. 60. Confined to the scar limestone of the north, where it is abundant. Siherdale ; Borwick ; Warton ; A. Wilson. Yealand ; Trow- barrow ; Thrang End ; -f- ; Wheldon. Dalton Cragy'W . a.ndiW . 69. Grange; A. Wilson, MS. Grows in rock crevices often with Funaria calcarea and Bryum murale, also with Polygonatum offic, L. rigida. Polyp, calc, Hylocom. rugosum, and Scap. aspera ; Wheldon. See /. of B. Sept. 1899, p. 375 — squarrosa, C.M. 59. Nr. Parkside ; W. Wilson. Walton ; Wheldon. 60. Coat Banks, Preesall ; Wheldon — microstoma, C.M. 59. Walton ; Wheldon. KersalMoor; Buxton's G. 60. White- well; F. C. King. Siherdale; W. and W. Preesall ; Wheldon — tenuis, C. M. 59. Broughton ; Holland Wild — rupestris, C. M. 59. 60. ■-. W. and W. — verticillata, (L.), Brid. 60. Garstang; A. Wilson. Wash Dub Wood; nr. Abbey s tead ; W. and W. -f Trichostomum crispulum, Bruch. 59. Chat- bum ; Wheldon. 60. Apparently only on the limestone area. Dalton Crag; -f ; W. and W. — mutabile, Bruch. 59. Dingle; Marrat. Gasking, 1898, Wheldon. 60. Siher- dale ; Lindeth; Wheldon. Lancaster; W. P. Hamilton var. littorale, Dixon. 59. Southport ; Cash. Hall Road; Wheldon. 60. Siherdale ; A. Wilson var. cophocarpum, Schimp. 60. Siher- dale ; Wheldon — flavovirens, Bruch. 60. St. Anne's ; Cash. Lytham ; Preesall; Heysham ; Wheldon — nitidum, Schimp. 59. Pendle Hill ; Chat- burn (var.) ; Wheldon. 60. Common on the scar limestone, Siherdale ; + ; W. and W. — tortuosum, (L.), Dixon. 60. Frequent. Siherdale; -f ;W. andW. Lancaster; W. P. Hamilton. Ease Gill, Leek Fell 6g. Grange ; A. Wilson, MS. var. fragilifolium, Dixou. 60. Ease Gill, 2,000 feet ; -|- ; W. and W. Pleurochaste squarrosa, Lindb. 60. Limestone rocks near Siherdale ; Wheldon 71