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A HISTORY OF LANCASHIRE out reference to the above Transactions. Two very common plants are recorded in Ann. Rep. Manch. Micr. Soc. for 1889, pp. 114-116. These are F. vesiculosus and F. nodosus. The foUov/ing six species of marine algse are recorded in ' A Catalogue of the British Marine Alga,' by E. A. L. Batters, LL.B., Supplement to the Journal 0/ Botany, 1902. Of the six species only three are additional to the list compiled by Mr. Martindale, They are marked thus.* Vaucheria litorea, B. and Ag. Uherston •Sphacelaria plumigera. Holmes. Addingham, Walney I.

  • Padina pavonia, Grillon. Walney I.

Lomentaria articulata, Lyngb. Walney 1. •Ceramium Deslongchampsii, Chauv. Ulverstm — flabelligerum. Uherston Dr. H. Stolterforth, M.A., of Chester, named all the marine diatoms for the Liverpool Marine Biol. District. The account is published in 2nd Report of the L.M. B.C., 1889. None of these records refer to Lancashire, but to Cheshire and North Wales. A bibliography of Liverpool, etc., is given. It is unaccountable that Lancashire Algae (including Diatoms), both of fresh and salt water, should have been so neglected, more so than any other county apparently. For further references see Dr. Van Heurck's Synopsis, ch. iii. p. 43, etc. CLASS LICHENES {Lichen forming Fungi) More conveniently placed here than under the class Fungi proper. No attention was paid to the lichens until the present decade. Messrs. Wheldon and Wilson have recently devoted some time to the study of West Lancashire species. The following list, which is based on their MS. must not therefore be taken as representative of the lichen flora of the county. Many of their doubtful plants have been submitted to Messrs. J. A. Martindale and E. M. Holmes. See Journal of Botany, September, 1904. Fam. II.— COLLEMACEI Tribe II. — CoLLEMEi Lichina confinis, Ag. 60. Tidal rocks, nr. SilverJale: W. and W. CoUema granuliferum, Nyl. 59. Birkdak ; Wh. 60. Siherdale ; + ; Wh. and Wi. — melaenum, Ach. 60. Yeaknd ; Wheldon — furvum, Ach. 60. Siherdale ; W. and W. — flaccidum, Ach. 60. Nr. Henridden ; W. and W. — pulposum, Ach. 60. Nr. Tealand — multipartitum, Sm. Eng. Bot. 60. Siherdale ; near Whitewetl; W. and W. — isidioides, Nyl. 60. Warton Crag; Martindale Collemodium plicatile, Nyl. 60. Siherdale Cove; near Whiuwell ; W. and W. — fluviatile, Nyl. 60. Stones in^. Hodder ; Wh. — Schraderi, Nyl. 60. Dalton Crag; W. and W. •Leptogium pulvinatum, Nyl. 60. + ; Wi. — lacerum. Gray. 60. Dalton Crag; Ease Gilli W. and W. Fam. III.— LICHENACEI Sphinctrina turbinata, Fr. 69. Nr. Feny Hotel, Windermere ; J. A. Martindale in litt. Coniocybe pallida, Fr. 60. Clougha ; R. Jacob Calicium hyperellum, Ach. 60. Between Hornby and MelRng; nr. Wennington ; Wh. and Wi. Trachylia tympanella, Fr. 60. Greystoneky ; Crar Wood; W. and W. Fam.— SPH^ROPHOREI Sphaerophorus coralloides, Pers. 60. GravelPs Clough ; Clougha; W. and W. 69. Coniston Old Man. — fragilis, Ach. 60. GravelPs Clough; Bottom Head Fell; Deer Clough; Wolfhole Crag; Wh. and WL Series II. — Tribe III. Baeomyces rufus, DC. 60. Middle Gill, H indium ; nr. Gressingham ; W. and W. Fam.— STEREOCAULEI 60. Clougha. Deer 82 Stereocaulon evolutum, Graewe Clough ; W. and W. — denudatum, FlOrke. 60. Head of Great Clough ; Greygarth Fell; W. and W. — condensatum, HofFm. 60. Wolfhole Crag; W. and W. Fam.— CLADONIEI Cladonia pyxidata, Fr. Common. S9- 60. 69. var. chloroph^a, FlOrke. 60. Latham Moor; W.andW. 69. ^t. Ferry Hotel, Winder- mere ; Martindale. Waterhead, Coniston var. pocillum, Fr. 60. Shore at St. June's ; Wheldon — pityrea, FlOrke. 60. Gully nr. Lea Fell; W. and W. — fimbriata, Fr. 60. Railbanks, Siherdale ; Parlick Pike, etc. ; W. and W. var. tubaeformis, Fr. 59. Netherton ; Whel- don. 69. Waterhead, Coniston

  • — fibula, Nyl. var. subcoronata, Nyl. 69. Ferry

Hotel, Windermere ; Martindale — ochrochlora, Flarke. 69. Nr. Ferry Hotel, Winder- mere; Martindale — cervicornis, Schaer. 60. Clougha; Long Crag, etc. ; W. and W. — lepidota, Nyl. 60. Clougha; Wheldon. Ward- stone ; W. and W. — fiircata, Hofim. 59. Hightown ; Wheldon. 60. WhiteweU, etc. ,• W. and W. Greygarth Fell. 69. Coniston Old Man