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A HISTORY OF LANCASHIRE Three other Hymenomycetes in the same periodical, and twenty miscellaneous species, belonging to various groups and orders, constitute the records. There may be old records, and some in local societies' publications, unknown to us. A well organized mycological society is much needed in the county, having members residing in all the vice-counties. However energetic the student may be he cannot alone investigate more than a small portion of a county the size of Lancashire, even if he gave all his leisure hours to the study of its fungi. It does not seem desirable to enumerate the recorded species of fungi, but the references are given below. Grevillea, March and June, 1886 ; March and Decem- ber, 1887 ; June and September, 1889 ; December, 1890 The Naturalist, June, 1 901 ; November, 1896, etc. Midland NaturaRst, July, 1888, p. 189 Gardener's Chronicle, 28 July, 1888, p. 104, fig. 11 Wesley NaturaRst, June, September, 1888 ; June, 1889, etc. ^1?/. Manch. Microsc. 1889, pp. 11 7-1 18 Research, November, 1889, p. 114 The vertical range in Lancashire of some more or less well-known Agaricaceae may be of interest, as they have not previously been recorded for the county. The observations were made in the middle of the autumn of 1 903 by the writer of this article. In other parts of the county some of these fungi, now recorded for the agrarian zone of Watson, may be found just within the Inferarctic zone, that is, where the land rises to that height. Lepiota granulosa, Batsch. . . . Clitocybe brumalis, Fr. ... Mycena galericulata. Scop. . — Slopes, Bull, forma .... — pullata. Bolt Omphalia fibula. Bull, v. Swartzii, Fr Entoloma sericeum, Bull . Greygarth Fell. Feet. 2,050 Coniston Old Man. Feet. 2,620 1,600 — 400 1,150 1,150 1,350 400 1,700 Naucoria semiorbicularis. Bull Stropharia stercoraria, Fr. — semiglobata, Batsch. Hygrophorus laetus, Fr. — obrusseus, Fr. — Colemanianus, Blox. Marasmius androsaceus, Fr (L.) Greygarth Conlaton Fell. Old Man. Feet. Feet. 2,050 1,150 2,600 — 2,300 900 — 800 1,350 — 400 86