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INSECTS Aleocharin^ {continued) Homalota nigra, Kr. Common — atramentaria, Gyll. „ — germana, Sharp. Birkdale — orbata, Er. „ — pilcsiventris, Thorns. „ — villosula, Kr. Near Manchester — setigera, Sharp. „ „ — sordida, Marsh. Abundant — longicornis, Grav. „ — fungi, Grav. „ — pygmaea, Grav. Birkdale — subsinuata, Er. „ — sericea, Muls. „ — fungi var. clientula, Er. Birkdale Gnypeta labilis, Er. Common on banks of streams, etc. Tachyusa constricta, Er.^ All occur on the — scitula, Er. I- sandy banks of — flavitarsis. Sahib. J the Mersey, Irwell and Bollen, and probably other rivers Falagria sulcata, Payk. Generally distributed — obscura, Grav. „ „ Autalia. All our three species occur, but not commonly Epipeda plana, Gyll. Under bark, Bootle Leptusa fumida, Er. Chat Moss, Birkdale Sipalia ruficollis, Er. In cut grass, Birk- dale Bolitochara bella, Maerk. Occur, but are — obliqua, Er. J not common Phytosus balticus, Kr. "j Are not uncom- — nigriventris, Chev. J mon on the shore in carrion and beneath egg capsules of the whelk Diglossa submarina. Fair. Hightown shore {E.M.M. X. 290) Oligota inflata, Man. Very common — atomaria, Er. Also occurs — punctulata, Heer. „ „ Myllasna gracilis. Mat. Birkdale — infuscata. Mat. „ — brevicornis. Mat. Ringley Wood near Manchester, Birkdale Gymnusa brevicollis, Payk. Chat Moss — variegata, Kies. Near Manchester Tachyporin^ Hypocyptus longicornis, Payk. Common — ovulum, Heer. Ainsdale, Drinkwater Park Conosoma pubescens, Grav."l Occur fairly — lividum, Er. / commonly Tachyporus. All the common species are abundant generally Cilea silphoides, L. Not uncommon Tachinus. Of the less common species — — flavipes, F. Crosby — subterraneus var. bicolor, Grav. South- port Have also occurred but are not com- mon Tachyporin^ [continued) Megacronus analis, F. Not rare — inclinans, Grav. Drinkwater Park near Manchester Bolitobius lunulatus, L. Although not recorded doubtless occurs, although perhaps not commonly — trinotatus, Er. Abundant in fungi — pygmaeus, F. „ „ Mycetoporus splendidus, Grav. Common on the sandhills — lucidus, Er. — longulus, Mann — lepidus, Grav. — nanus, Er. The rare mountain species, M. angularis, Rey., and also M. clavicornis, Staph., have both occurred at Birkdale Habrocerus capillaricornis, Grav. Scaris- brick STAPHYLININiE Heterothops dissimilis, Grav. Probably occurs — binotata. Common on the sandhills Quedius fulgidus, F. Generally distributed — mesomelinus, Marsh. — cruentus, Ol. — cinctus, Payk. — molochinus, Grav. — tristis, Grav. — fuliginosus, Grav. — maurorufus, Grav. — rufipes, Grav. — semiaeneus, Steph. — obliteratus, Er. — boops, Grav. • — puncticollis, Thoms.l Rare on the sand- — scintillans, Grav. J hills — fumatus, Steph. Has occurred at Aig- burth Creophilus maxillosus, L. Abundant Leistotrophus murinus, L. One specimen, Crosby Staphylinus pubescens, De G. Generally common — stercorarius, Ol. Occasional on the sandhills — caesareus, Ceder. Simonswood, Coniston Ocypus. Except O. cyaneus, Payk., O. similis, F., and O. pedator, Grav., all our species occur not infrequently Philonthus. Of this large genus, besides the generally common species, the follov/ing have been recorded : — — umbratilis, Grav. IVest Derby, South- port — fumigatus, Er. Formby near War- rington — longicornis, Steph. Lynn, near War- rington erally ■>■) distri 11 II » I-) » II ■>■> jj » 11 119