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A HISTORY OF LANCASHIRE ORTHOSiiDi^ (continued) Xanthia ferruginea, Esp. Fairly common — flavago, F. „ „ — citrago, L. Rare ; near Liverpool, Pres- ton, Windermere, Manchester — aurago, W.V. Recorded from Lydiate near Liverpool by Gregson Cirrhsdia xerampelina, H. Recorded only from Clitheroe and near Manchester COSMIID^ Tethea. Both species occur, but neither are at all common Calymnia trapezLna, L. Generally com- mon — affinis, L. One record by Gregson from near Liverpool Hadenid.5: Dianthecia nana. Roth. A few records — capsincola, Hb. Generally distributed — cucubali, Fues. „ „ — carpophaga, Bork. Not infrequent at Crosby, Formby, Morcambe, and Grange uncommon, es- Hecatera serena, F. Not pecially on the sandhills Polia flavicincta, F. Recorded by Gregson from near Liverpool, but the record seems doubtful — chi, L. Generally distributed Dasypolia templi, Thumb. Has occurred at Crosby, Windermere, near Preston Epunda lichenea, Hb. Confined to the coast, where however it is not com- mon Aporophyla nigra. Chat Moss — lutulenta, Bork. Cleoceris viminalis, Bolton, Haw. Windermere, Occasional F. Recorded from Windermere, and by Gregson from near Liverpool Miselia oxycanthae, L. Generally abundant Aplecta occulta, L. Occasional — prasina, F. „ — nebulosa, Huf. Common — advena, F. Recorded on two occasions from near Liverpool by Gregson, but require confirmation — tincta, Brahm. From Grange by Hodgkinson Agriopis aprilina, L. Preston, Manchester, and more commonly at Windermere Euplexia lucipara, L. Generally abundant Phlogophora meticulosa, L. Generally abundant Hadena adusta, Esp. — protea, Bork. — dentina, Esp. — oleracea, L. — pisi, L. — thalassina, Rott. More or less common HADKNiDiT [continued) Hadena porphyrea, Esp. 1 Local on the moors — glauca, H. J and mosses — dissimilis, Knoch. Very occasional — contigua, Vill. Only from Barlow Moor by Chappell — rectilinea, Esp. From the extreme north only XyLINIDj^ Xylocampa areola, Esp. Generally dis- tributed Calocampa. All our three species occur but not commonly Xylina ornithopus, Rott. Chat Moss, Man- chester district ; very occasional — socia, Rott. One specimen recorded from the Dingle near Liverpool Asteroscopus sphinx, Huf. Hodgkinson records a specimen bred from a larva found near Preston CucuUia asteris, SchifF. The larvae are not uncommon near Grange and Winder- mere — chamomillae, SchifF. Not uncommon — umbratica, L. „ „ G0NOPTERID.5: Gonoptera libatrix, L. Generally abundant PLUSIIDi* Habrostola. Both species are generally distributed but not common Plusia chryson, Esp. One specimen taken near Preston by Hodgkinson — chrysitis, L. Generally distributed — bractea, F. Manchester, Preston, Bolton ; occasional — festucae, L. Not uncommon but local — iota, L. „ „ — pulchina, Haw. „ „ — gamma, L. Abundant everywhere — interrogationis, L. Not uncommon at heather near Windermere Heuothid^ Anarta myrtilli, L. Abundant on all the heaths and mosses Heliodes tenebrata, Scop. Local but not uncommon Heliothis armigera, Hb. First recorded as British from a specimen taken near Salford in 1840 by Mr. Jno. Thomas. The species has also been recorded from Windermere, Huyton, Linacre near Liverpool, and from Staleybridge — peltigera, Schiff. Very rare, but has been noted from Blackpool and Lytham Chariclea umbra, Huf. Not uncommon at Crosby, but not recorded from elsewhere POAPHILIID^ Phytometra viridaria, Clerck. Generally distributed on the mosses 132