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A HISTORY OF LANCASHIRE AciDALIlDit {continued) Acidalia rubiginata, Huf. Ashton-on-Mency ; recorded by Chappell — trigeminata, Haw.l Very local on some — cmarginata, L. J of the mosses — marginipunctata, Goeze. SilverdaU only — circillata, Gn. Formerly on Chat Moss but now supposed to be extinct Caberid^ Cabera. All our species occur not un- commonly Bapta tcmerata, Hb. Local — bimaculata, F. Only from Grange Macaiuid^ Macaria alternata, Hb. Recorded from Windermere only — liturata, Clerck. Generally distributed Halia wavaria, L. Not uncommon in kitchen gardens FlDONIID^ Strenia clathrata, L. Near Carnforth Panagra petraria, Hb. St her dale. Chat Moss Numeria pulveraria, L. Very occasional Scodiona belgiaria, Hb. On most of the heaths and mosses Selidosema ericetaria, Vill. Very local ; Pilling Moss, near Preston Ematurga atomaria, L. Common on all the heaths and mosses Bupalus piniaria, L. Common in fir woods, more especially on the mosses Sterrha sacraria, L. One specimen taken by Mr. S. J. Capper at Huyton near Liverpfl, and one in Manchester. The species formerly occurred ap- parently not uncommonly on the sandhills, but has not been taken there for many years Aspilates strigillaria, Hb. Generally on the mosses Zerenid^ Abraxas grossulariata, L. Abundant every- where. This was a favourite subject for variety breeding by C. S. Gregson, and in his collection (now in the possession of Mr. Sydney Webb of Dover) some extraordinary aberra- tions are to be found — sylvata. Scop. Local, but generally distributed Ligdia adustata, SchifF. Grange district only Lomaspilis marginata, L. Generally abun- dant Hybernud^ Hybcrnia. All our species occur more or less commonly Hybernhd^ {continued) Anisopteryx aescularia, SchifF. Aigburth, Manchester and Preston Larentudj*: Chiematobia brumata, L. Abundant — boreata, Htlbn. Local ; Chat Moss, etc. Oporabia dilutata. Common — filigrammaria. Not uncommon on the moors Larentia didymata, L. Generally common — multistrigaria. Haw. „ „ — viridaria, Fb. „ „ — caesiata, Lang, "j Occur not uncom- — salicata, Hub. V monly on the — olivata, Bork. J moors Emmelesia albutata, SchifF. Common — decolorata, Hb. „ — • affinitata. Scarce and local — alchemillata, L. „ „ — vmiiksciata, Haw. „ „ — tsniata, St. Only occurs in the ex- treme north, IVindermere, Silverdale, etc. Eupithecia. Of this large genus the greater part occur in the county — oblongata, Thunb. Common — castigata, Hb. „ — virgaureata, Crewe. „ — nanata, Hb. 5) — vulgata. Haw. — absinthiata, Clrk. — minutata, Guen. — abbreviata, Steph. — exiguata, Hb. — pumilata, Hb. — rectangulata, L. — pulchellata, St. Generally rare or local — succentauriata, L. » » — subvulvata, Haw. » >j — venosata, F. 5> >J — plumbeolata, Haw. ■>■> )) — pygmasata, Hb. » )) — satyrata, Hb. » >) — fraxinata, Crewe. 55 55 — pimpinellata, Hb. 55 )) — subnotata, Hb. 55 55 — albipunctata, Haw. 55 55 — assimilata, Dbl. 55 55 — tenuiata, Hb. 55 '5 — lariciata, Frr. 55 » — scabiosata, Bork. — isogrammaria, H.S. Recorded only — helveticaria, Bdv. from quite — trisignaria, H.S. the north, — valerianata, Hh. principally — constrictata, Guen. the Grange — expallidata, Guen. district — sobrinata, Hb. J — innotata, Huf. Lytham — linariata, W.V. Astle y Moss 134