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A HISTORY OF LANCASHIRE him to arrange the marriage between himself and Isabella of France.' He was one of the nobles who swore on the king's behalf that he would reconfirm the charters on his return from the Scottish war, in which campaign he accompanied the king, and was present at the battle of Falkirk on 22 July.' The same month he was summoned to the council at York to deliberate on the affairs in Scotland, and in July, i 300, was present at the siege of Caerlave- rock, where he commanded the first division.' In October he went with Hugh Despenser on a mission to Rome to complain of the injury done by the Scots, and later to arrange the terms of peace between the kings of England and France.* In February, 1 301, he was appointed governor of Corfe Castle," and in March was directed to attend the Prince of Wales on his invasion of Scotland at Midsummer. During September and October he was engaged in the subjection of Galloway," and early in 1302 was appointed one of the envoys to treat for peace with Philip of France, and in connexion with these negotiations was constantly in France until the proclamation of peace at Paris on 20 May, 1303.^ In October he went abroad to take possession of Gascony in the king's name, remaining there for the following year.^ On 16 Sep- tember, 1305, he was one of the commissioners appointed in the Parliament at Westminster to arrange the affairs of Scotland, and in the same Parliament was a receiver and trier of petitions from Gascony.' On i 5 October he was sent on a mission to Lyons with presents to Pope Clement V.'" When he returned to London on 16 February, 1306, he was publicly received by the mayor." Later in the year he went to Scotland with the Prince of Wales, who was ordered to act by his advice.'^ In July, in this year, contemplating the foundation of a college at Oxford, he obtained licence to alienate in mort- main the advowsons of five churches in cos. Lincoln and Northampton to thirteen scholars to dwell in the proposed house." In January, i 307, he was one of the commissioners appointed to hold a Parliament at Carlisle,'* and during the summer accompanied King Edward on his march to Scotland, and was present at his death at Burgh-on-the-Sands on 7 July.'" Towards the end of the year he was engaged in a mission to France." Having attended Edward II. into Scotland, he was present at the king's coronation at Westminster on 25 February, 1308, when he carried one of the swords of state. '^ He advised the king in the first council after his coronation to confirm by writ his promise to ratify whatever the nation should deter- mine.'^ The monk of Malmesbury says that Lincoln gave his assent to the creation of Piers Gaveston as earl of Cornwall in August, 1307, and advised 1 Rymer, FoeJcra (Rec. Com.), i. 905. ^ /j/^^ ^^;_ Biog. xxxi. 374.

  • Ibid. Nicolas, Caerlaverock, 96. ' Henri le bon Conte de Nichole ' bore a banner of yellow silk with a

purple lion rampant (p. 5).

  • Cal. Pat.R. 1292-1301, 538-43 ; Rishanger (^oh. Ser.), 195-6, 451.

5 Cal. Pat. R. 1292-1301, 564. « Bain, Ca/. of Docs. Scot. ii. 1191, 1224, 1235, 1240. " Rymer, Foedera (Rec. Com.), i. 952-5 ; Cal. Pat. R. 1 301-7, 30-128 pass.; Chron. Edw. 1. and II. (Rolls Ser.), i. 1 27-9 ; Hemingburgh (Eng. Hist. Soc.), ii. 230. 8 Cal. Pat. R. 1 301-7, 157, 209. 9 Rolls of Pari. (Rec. Com.), i. 126, 159. 10 Rymer, Foedera (Rec. Com.), i. 974; Cal. Pat. R. 1301-7, 380. 11 Chron. Edw. I. and II. (Rolls Ser.), i. 143-4. ^' Chron. Lanercost (Bannatyne Club), 204. 1' Cal Pat. R. 1301-7, 455 ; 1307-13, II ; Rymer, Foedera, i. 990. H Rolls of Pari. (Rec. Com.), i. 188-9 ; ^'"■^- Writs. (Rec. Com.), i. 183. 15 T. Walsingham, Hist. Angl. (Roll Ser.), i. 116. 16 Cal. Pat. R. 1307-13. 13, 32- " Pari Afrits (Rec. Com.), ii. 10. 19 Stubbs, Constit. Hist. edit. 1880, ii. 346. 310